~Chapter 2~

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I couldn't believe what was seeing infront of me. It took a hefty amount of effort to keep myself from vomiting. Thunder had jumped in front of me triggering a battle but to no avail. The creature in the blink of an eye had grabbed Thunder by his legs and was dragging him away. Leaving me alone, scared shitless, and defenseless with only my pessimistic and negative thoughts. My mind had immediately raced to the worst conclusions "You're gonna die here!" "Thunder's fucking dead!" (etc etc, you get the idea.) I began to start tearing up, and within a matter of seconds I was on my knees, sobbing silently, until I heard the echoed yells of Thunder, I had lost all of my hope, (the little I had left) he was probably dead...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2023 ⏰

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