5 | every night with us is like a dream

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August 9th, 2023

We've been in contact each day and every day since we first talked on the phone almost a week ago.

Usually, we are on FaceTime or we just talk on the phone when I am getting ready for a show. Ellie has been staying with one of my parents backstage usually but we decided to just let them stay at the house. They can go outside and not stress of somebody seeing her here. I miss her like crazy, every time I have to leave her, but then I tell myself that I have to leave her if I don't want anyone to find out. She didn't choose to live in the spotlight. I did.

"Hey, Trav." I sigh as his faces appears on my phone screen.

"Hi. Are you okay?" He says, worry in his eyes. "You seem worried."

I smile slightly, "I am just a little stressed." I am already in my pink and blue Lover leotard, about to go on stage in an hour.

"About what? What's up?"

My head is going on full speed. It is not that big of a deal, it will be out tonight. "I am announcing 1989 (Taylor's Version) tonight and I am just worried about the show going smoothly. I have some new outfits and stuff."

"You are kidding!" He exclaims. "That's my favourite album of yours." He smiles at me back. "It will be great, Tay. You'll crash it."

"Thanks." I blush, like every time he says something sweet to me. Which is basically all the time.

"You are cute when you blush like that." I turn bright red and cover my face with one hand, the other one holding my phone.

"Oh, shut up." I mumble, my face still covered carefully by my hand, you don't wanna ruin the make-up, and Travis laughs.

After about 5 more minutes, we are laughing like nothing happened. I just feel like I've know this guy forever, even though I haven't known him for a full week yet. I haven't met him either. That is going to change though. Travis is coming to New York so we can finally meet each other in person, plus he has some work stuff here to deal with. He's coming Saturday evening, after his practice, and staying until Monday morning.

There is a thing that's been going on in my mind since we arranged this. I haven't told him about the most important person in my life right now, my daughter. He still has no clue and I am so, so scared to tell him. I don't know him so I don't know what his reaction is going to be.

"Taylor?" I hear my name being said so I get out of my head and see Travis on the screen of my phone. "You okay?"

"Yeah, I was just thinking about something and got a little carried away. What were you saying?"

"That I hope I will get some inside info while I'm there." He winks.

I laugh at him, "Oh, in your dreams, Kelce."

After we end the call, I go over the stuff that's going to happen tonight. I have people to check everything ois okay but I like to do it myself too. Just basically anything that can keep my head busy and not thinking how I'm going to tell a guy that I'm now talking to for a week that I have a daughter nobody knows anything about because I've been hiding her.

Also, it's not that I am ashamed of her. She's the cutest and most beautiful little girl ever. Because I got pregnant during covid and you didn't have to go anywhere and then I just went with it. If there wasn't any pandemic, I wouldn't probably do a big announcement anywhere, just let people think what they think and definitely wouldn't be showing her anywhere either. The only exception would be that people would know that I have a baby.

When I get on stage, my mind just shuts up every time and focuses on the perfect crowd of 70,000 people in front of me. Even though I've been doing this for the past 17 years, I still can't believe this is my life.

The announcement also couldn't get any better. People were screaming and crying and it was the best, like always.

I keep on smiling as I go down the hall to my dressing room. I quickly change into a comfortable outfit, deciding I'm gonna shower at home. I really want to see my baby, even though she's 100% sleeping. I missed her so much, all day. Even though I am away from her almost every week on tour, I just miss her. Is that typical for all the parents to be away from their kids that much? No, probably not. And I fucking hate it. But when I got pregnant, I was already planning it and I also thought that her father will be here, helping me with it.

Turns out I am here, just alone. Well, I got my parents who are the people I or Ellie wouldn't survive without. And also, Maggie who is Ell's babysitter full time. She just isn't here with us in LA, she's back in New York with her family and I'll be joining her there tomorrow evening. She's freshly out of college, studied English literature and is trying on to pursue her dream, write books.

August 10th, 2023

When I finally get home, it's a bit after midnight. I thought that everybody was going to be asleep, but when I walk throught the front door, I see a light on in the kitchen. When I walk in there, Mom is sitting by the kitchen table with a glass of wine.

"What are you doing up? Why are you not sleeping?" I say quietly as I get closer to her and hug her.

"Just wanted to make sure you got here safely." She smiles and kisses my cheek as we pull away. "How did it go?"

"Great. I'll tell you about it in the morning. Now go to bed."

"Yes, Mom." She smirks and I laugh. I just want her to rest and she's making fun of me. "Good night. Love you."

"Love you." I call as she's exiting the room.

After the little encounter, I finally get into my bedroom, I take a warm shower, slip into my comfiest pajamas and then fall onto the bed, completely exhausted but happy.


if i were joe alwyn, i would hide and never step a foot on planet earth again. track 5 callen SO LONG, LONDON?!

i haven't recovered from this yet

btw thank you so much for almost 2,5K reads on this story. i appreciate it so much🥺

love you, ell🤍 (did you notice the white heart? i've been putting it here since the first chapter😂😆)

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