Game 2: Creativity

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SC Spades...SC Spades...SC Spades...SC Spades...SC Spades...SC Spades...

"Hey Ace, can you stop mumbling about spades and finish your dinner." Ace's mom asked him as she finished her dish.

"Oh I'm sorry mom but at school today, I played Football today with Sam and this guy came by and he was so strong! He beat me in a 1v1 and then told me he plays in a 5v5 league on a team called SC Spades. I wanna go try out for that team! You know hard I've been looking for a chance to play." Ace said as he finished his food.

"That's amazing honey, let me know where I need to take you and we can go tomorrow." Ace's mom smiled, she was very supportive of his dream to win the World Cup.

"Where to take me...I FORGOT TO FIND OUT WHERE TO GO TRY OUT!" Ace's face contorted in pain.

"Oh need to use your head more." Ace's mom giggled. Just then, a knock came at the door and Ace got up to answer. Fletcher appeared, sweating profusely and trying to catch his breath. 

"What the hell...did you run all the way to my house?"

"Y-Yes...come to this field." Fletcher handed Ace a piece of paper with an address written on it and a time. 

"Are there others like you? Who play at such a high level?" Ace asked.

"Of course, I would say I'm the best striker on our team but our winger is a good dribbler and has great pace, our defender can stop me some times, he's really good and our goalie is the best goalie is our league. The other teams also have players at our level. Last year's top goaler played for Grand United, they have lots of funding from sponsors so they have high level facilities." Fletcher explained.

"How many goals did he score?"


"That's not that many."

"We play 9 matches a season. He averaged a hat trick a game last season. Plus 2nd place had 15 goals."

"Wow...what's his name?"

"Ashton Prince."

Ace felt a fire light inside him. He saw Ashton Prince as a bar from him to pass, someone he could take down.

"I'll be there tomorrow. You can count on it." Ace held out his hand for a fist bump. They said Goodnight and Fletcher headed home. Ace headed start to bed and closed his, imagining all of the cool Football he'd be playing tomorrow. He wondered if he could bring Sam along and show them all of their combo moves. He hoped he would get a rematch with Fletcher and manage to defeat him. Night had finally past and Ace had awoken, feeling energized and ready to play. He got out of bed and ran downstairs.

"Mom, Mom, can we go to the field?" Ace jumped up and down.

"Of course honey, let's go." Ace's mom got in the car and drove them to the field. Ace got out of the car and ran onto the field. He saw Fletcher and 2 other boys juggling Footballs.

"Hey! Fletcher! I made it." Ace ran over to the group. One boy was a bit shorter than him, while the other was almost as tall as Fletcher.

"Hey Ace, these are my friends and teammates. The tall and lanky one is Jean Black and the short one is Asta Ghepardo."

"I'm not short, you're just freaks of nature." Asta spoke with a strong Italian accent.

"Whoa, where are you from?" Ace was amazed by someone not from America.

"Italy, I moved to America when I was young but my parents had a strong accent so I developed it too. I play Winger/Forward for FC Spades, nice to meet you." Asta shook hands with Ace.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2023 ⏰

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