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Name: Y/N Ember



Semblance: flame manipulation, Y/N can summon fire or cause it to take shapes, he can also use it to coat his body.

Weapon: Cendres and Poussière are Y/Ns dual short swords, they were given to him on his 8th birthday by his adoptive family after he admitted to wanting to be a huntsmen and holds them dear to his heart as the only remaining memory of his family and his extremely possessive of them, not even letting close friends hold them for extended periods of time. He has since had golden flames etched onto the blades and sheaths.

History: Y/N was an orphan and never knew why he was abandoned or who left him on the porch. Growing up wasn't extremely hard only having a small group of friends and bullies, eventually at the age of 4 he was picked up by a newly wed couple of huntsmen. Growing up on the paychecks of two huntsmen allowed Y/N to do a lot whether it something to further himself or help others he didn't mind, eventually becoming an older brother he voiced his wish to become a huntsman. His parents knowing how hard it truly was were highly against it but after a close incident agreed to it, but one fateful day ended his happy life after Grimm attacked his home while he was out buying supplies. As far as everyone else knew he was killed in the woods as they burned for almost a week before only smoke and ashes remained, but now Y/N resides in Vale years later but one thing remains the same. His main priority.

Gain power so nobody can steal what's his again.

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