Love [Pt.1]

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Naru watches in horror as the shimmer suddenly appears before her. Bo shrieks for her to move, but the metal masked beast reveals itself to her. It grabs her by the throat just as she’s raising her spear at it. It hauls her close to snarl in her face before launching her across the clearing.

She groans as she rolls onto her back, her ribs already aching. Her spear has been tossed in the opposite direction. The dagger is lost in the dead leaves somewhere. His mask, the new one, is still lying out of reach at the foot of the oak tree. But his old mask, it’s still covered in dirt, but it’s within reach, as long as she can get to it without being stopped.

She tries to lift herself, but flops back down onto her ass with how dizzy she feels. She comes to again a few seconds later to the sound of angry snarls and pain filled shrieks.

She sees Bo on one knee, his arms held over his head as he tries to keep the beast’s large blade from coming down on him...again. She sucks in a breath at the large gash across his shoulder.

Her eyes are wide in fright as she sees her mupitz struggling against the strength of the smaller beast, his large arms wobbling very slightly. Though, he roars angrily back up at the other, not afraid in the slightest. She can’t help being afraid for him, can’t help feeling terrified when the beast lifts a foot to Bo’s chest and kicks him onto his back.

Still lying on his back, Bo lifts a hand to block a kick. Only, the kick is just a distraction as the blade stabs right into his gut. He shrieks as the smaller beast cackles and shoves the blade further into his flesh, green blood spraying everywhere.

“No! Fuck!” Naru screams angrily and fearfully as she shoves herself onto her feet and charges towards them.

“You bled my brother, so now you bleed...”

Naru grabs her breaches along the way, wasting no time as she launches her half naked self right onto the back of the smaller beast. She wraps her breaches around its neck and tightens her hold as much as she can, trying to strangle the beast.

It does nothing to hurt it. But at least it backs away from Bo as it snarls angrily and begins to swipe over its shoulder to get at her.

Bo is breathing heavily, but he shoves himself up. He charges at the other beast, and when he latches his mouth onto the beast’s neck, Naru finally lets go as it shrieks and almost squashes her back against a nearby tree.

She pauses, watching Bo then finally get the upper hand in the fight. Satisfied to take her eyes off of him for the moment, Naru launches herself over to grab his old mask. She quickly dusts off the dirt as she runs back over to Bo.

He has one hand wrapped around the beast’s throat, his other hand holding its bladed wrist back. He still notices her and takes a moment to turn his head, leaning down for her as she reaches out to put the mask on for him.

And then, in a flash of a second, the beasts kicks its foot out and the mask flies out of her hand. Before she can turn to retrieve it and before Bo can turn back again, the beast has already torn his wrist free and chopped off several of Bo’s thick black hairs. Which she no longer thinks can be hairs when Bo lets out an almighty shriek of pain and even lets the beast go as he stumbles back in shock.

Naru tries to back away, and even in his pain, Bo tries to grab her back, too, but the beast grabs her by the back of the neck first. It hauls her in close, her back pressed to its chest as it slides it hand around to grip at her throat. It easily holds her in place, clicking tauntingly at Bo, who glares as hisses low and angry through his painful heavy breaths.

“You think I am not a threat...”

Naru stays calm, doesn’t struggle in the beast’s grasp as she stares pointedly back at her mupitz and tells him, “He thinks we are not a threat...”

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