19. The Answers part 1

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Note: sorry for not publishing, these days have been getting busy

No one's pov
The moon shines as it's the middle of the night
Today was a very special day, today was Steven's birthday and to celebrate Izuku and Garnet had prepared something special

Steven wakes up from a sudden presence from over him, he opens his eyes and was greeted by a smiling Garnet and Izuku
Steven gasped with excitement and joy
Steven:"Garnet, Izuku is it morning already?"
Izuku looked at him with a wide smile
Izuku and Garnet:"it's midnight, happy birthday"

Steven grabbed there hands
Steven:"Garnet are you going to tell me that you're a fusion of the gems ruby and sapphire like you promised?!"
Garnet:"you already know about that Steven"
Steven sighed
Steven:"yeah it's true"
Garnet:"but what you don't know is how ruby, sapphire and izuku met"
Steven gasped with excitement
Steven:"omg I don't!"
The stars in his eyes shined brightly

Garnet started to tell the story
Five thousand seventy hundred and fifty years ago it was a promising site for gem colony and progress was being halted by a small group of rebels, a team of diplomatic gems were sent from homeworld to investigate
Among those gems was Sapphire a rare aristocratic Homeworld gem with the power to see the future

Assigned to her were three Ruby's, common gems assigned to protect her

Ruby 1:"can't wait for those rebels to get here"
They walked down a path on the floating island
Ruby 2:" haha, yeah when I see those rebels I'm going to punch them right in there face"
The two started a argument about who's fighting them first
Ruby:"will all fight them when we fuse that's why they sent three"
She holds up her fingers in a three
Ruby 1:"why don't I punch you!"
She punched Ruby knocking her into Sapphire

Everyone gasped with fear to what would happen to the Ruby soldier
Ruby:"i-im so sorry i- let me-"
Ruby reached for her in worry
Sapphire:"I'm fine, it was bound to happen"
Ruby stuttered
Ruby:"i- uhm ok"
Sapphire walked around them
Sapphire:"please wait here, I must intend to my duty"

Sapphire was called to earth by blue Diamond, specifically for her future vision
Sapphire:"my Diamond, I've arrived"
Blue diamond spoke
Blue:"sapphire, tell me what will happen here"
Sapphire put her hands in a prayed like pose
Sapphire:"I for see that the rebels will attack the cloud arena, before they are cornered they will destroy the physical forms of seven gems including two of my Ruby guards and myself, immediately aftery form is destroyed the rebels will be captured, the rebellion ends here"

Blue smile, a wicked smile
"thank you Sapphire that's all I needed to know"
said blue diamond
Sapphire:"I look forward to speaking with you again after I form back on homeworld"

Sapphire knew she was a casualty but it didn't fase her, she saw all her life and how it would end and accepted it
Sapphire:"what a beautiful place to build a colony, I wished I could see more of this planet"
Ruby looked at her dumfounded
Ruby:"there's still time"
Sapphire looked at her with an intense stare
Sapphire:"that's a nice thought but no"

As this went on a lonely gem is seen close by
Green in color and a gem in there chest
This gem was no ordinary gem they looked male instead of the feminine look every other gem had

A blank look across his face and his physical form is full of cracks and chips
He grabbed onto a spear to balance himself

Sapphire watched with curiosity and wonder from finding a different looking gem to the standard gems next to him
He stands in-between the emeralds and the Garnets not one or the other

Sapphire checked his future repeatedly but nothing came up from there's checks
Each time fascinating her more and more
She walked to him with curiosity

Sapphire was standing right in front of him then spoke
Sapphire:"you intereste me"
The sentence small but had an impact
A small but somewhat noticable blush appeared
#$&¢&:"t-thank you sweet heart" his voice sounded strained and painful
The Ruby's glanced at him with anger

He noticed there anger before glanced a menacing aura
They backed off with fear, every one of them except Ruby, she looked at him with a huge blush

Ruby:(what's this feeling?, it's warm and smoothing, it feels like I'm burning)
As she contemplated she life, Sapphire was even more interested in this interaction the other Ruby's feared him

Until someone spoke with a firm tone spoke
Rose:"blue diamond, leave earth, this planet will not be part of a colony, because we the crystal gem will protect it"
She yelled with determination
Blue diamond fled
Pearl was attacked by two gems who were poofed with a single slash each

The Ruby's fused into an even bigger Ruby ready to fight but they were defeated and two of the three were poofed
Pearl stands in front of Sapphire and the male gem ready to attack

Ruby understands what did sapphire mean with no time she had seen her future and accepted it as her end

Pearl swings the sword with the intent to shatter, but something happened
The male gem took the hit his physical form glitched and cracked it looked painful but the expression on his face wasn't moved

He prepared to strike but he took a second hit to the gem
He poofed and the shards of his gem fell to the floor, Sapphire was shocked she had expected a different outcome, Pearl prepared to swing but Sapphire was pushed out of the way by Ruby

They fused into a mixture of there colors
They were confused and scared

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