Chapter 3

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As I ascended the staircase, a stupid grin creeped over my face. The kiss was the only thing on my mind. How could two minutes of my life take up days of my thoughts?

Entering my room, I found my mom already waiting, surrounded by obviously uncomfortable elegant dresses. The idea of wearing the corset that stood on a mannequin beside her made my chest hurt.

"Janna, this is an important occasion. You need to look regal and poised. These dresses represent the dignity and responsibility that come with being a queen," my mom explained, her words practiced and perfected. Sometimes I wondered if she ever said what she was truly thinking, or if she just went by her daily script.

Nodding, I tried to focus on the pink material instead of my mothers eyes. I stared at the intricate details, the tassels, the small woven flowers. It was beautiful, but so far from how I saw myself, what would be in the room if I had chosen the dresses. The disappointed thought shook me out of my trance, and i realized that she was still talking. Did she ever stop talking?

"I trust that you will be able to find the dress of your liking somewhere in this room. Please be ready by six, I've arranged a dinner with your first suitor. The maids are waiting in your room with the needed accessories, prepared to do your hair and makeup."

And with that she was gone. No motherly zipping up of the dress, no sighs or genuine smiles at the sight of her daughter growing up. She left as quickly as she came, her heels dutifully clacking on the polished floor. I decided to get to get this personal fashion show over with.

As I was wrestling with the abundance of dresses, I could feel the weight of a whole kingdom's expectations on my shoulders. With more history than all of the books in the royal library combined, each dress practically screamed "I'm the same as all the others, here to sit still and look pretty." Not exactly the message I was hoping to give.

I was ready to give up. Struggling to put the final piece of itchy fabric back where it belonged, a glimpse of green caught my eye. I lifted it out of the box, surprised that it was there in the first place. This was definitely not placed by my mother. The two-piece was bright enough to get somebodies attention, but seemed more serious with the delicate gold accents. A deep swooping neckline felt bold, almost reckless paired with the open back. As I put it on, I felt empowered yet somehow elegant. Is that how you're supposed to feel when you start making your own choices? It was perfect.

The door creaked open, and Genie's voice broke through the tension. "Need a little magical assistance, Princess?"

Turning to face him, I saw the usual mischievous glint in his eyes, with a hint of something else that I couldn't figure out. He stopped, not long enough to be purposeful, not short enough to feel casual. For a split-second I saw more of a flustered teenage boy than an all-knowing all-powerful being. His hand rose to his neck as he finally spoke.

"Wow, Janna, that's- wow. Your mom's letting you wear that to the suitor dinner?"

Something about his flushed cheeks and the way his eyes wandered made me feel like the powerful one. Like I was in control of at least one thing in my life. I don't know if it was that or the fact that my brain didn't seem to work when I was around him, but a tiny voice in the back of my head told me to have some fun with this. What would a little bit of teasing do?

"Well, I found it in her basket, so hopefully it's okay," I said, giving him a little spin with innocent eyes. "Why? Do you think it's too revealing?"

"No, no, it's beautiful"

I loved this way too much. I could tell he was struggling though, so I decided to cut back.

"Thanks," I said with a smirk as I sat down beside my vanity, "I just don't know what to do with my hair. All that the servants know how to do are buns that feel like they'll rip my hair out."

He laughed, eased by the comment. 

"You know, I'm not supposed to do this, but-"


"But I can't resist helping out a friend in a fashion crisis," Genie replied with a mischievous grin. In the blink of an eye, he conjured up a small vial, releasing a fragrance that filled the room with a hint of magic. "A little something I picked up from a wizard in the East. It'll make your hair look fabulous without any painful tugging."

I raised an eyebrow, intrigued and a bit suspicious, but the desire for a painless hairstyle overcame my caution. Genie gently took a seat behind me, his hands working through my hair with a light touch that belied his magical capabilities. As he worked his magic, I couldn't help but notice his eyes reflecting a genuine warmth, a far cry from the usual playful glint.

"Voilà! A hairstyle fit for a princess," he announced, and I turned to see the result. My hair cascaded down in loose waves, adorned with delicate golden threads that seemed to shimmer like starlight. It was both regal and effortlessly chic. I couldn't help but grin at Genie's unexpected talents.

As the clock ticked towards six, I felt a mix of excitement and nerves about the impending dinner. Genie, sensing my apprehension, offered a reassuring smile. "You've got this, Janna. Just be yourself, and everything will fall into place."

His words echoed in my mind as I descended the staircase in the striking green ensemble. The dress, paired with the magically enhanced hairstyle, gave me a newfound confidence. The grandeur of the royal hall seemed to fade as I caught the approving look in Genie's eyes. For a moment, it was just him and me, outside the constraints of royal expectations.

YAY!!!!! Three chapters in! What do you think? 

Also, I would just like to thank our current five readers! You guys mean the world to us! Writing a story can be really discouraging, but it helps to know somebody gets to see it. We also love any criticism from readers to help our story grow. 

Thank you!

Kingdom of Fairytales team.

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