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14 years old.

The first time I saw him.

Murtasim Khan.

Even his name sends shivers down my spine. He was the son of my Dad's best friend, who had recently returned from Boarding School—also, the person I had loathed ever since I knew what that meant. Growing up, I was always compared to him.

Meerab, you need to study hard; You are failing the exams. Murtasim topped his whole school. Meerab, get a grip on your behavior. The school will expel you if you continue with this attitude. Be like Murtasim. He never let his family down. Murtasim this. Murtasim that. Blah Blah Blah.

He was sitting in our drawing room with his father, wearing his dark navy Kurta. His hair gelled back, exposing his forehead and eyebrows. His eyes were jet black. He kept bowing and smiling at whatever my Dad was saying. Seeing him, my face twisted in anger.

I winced in pain and rubbed my jaw. Damn. That kutta hit me hard.

"Meerab, why are you standing there? Come here and greet your Uncle." My Dad's authoritative voice shook me from my lala dream. I walked in, still in my uniform. Which was probably dirty right now, considering my activities.

"Assalamualikum, Uncle." My voice came out as a gentle whisper. So unlike me. Uncle Shahnawaz smiled and patted my head. At the same time, his son was scrolling through his phone. Not paying attention to me. I returned Uncle's gesture.

Uncle looked down at his son, a scowl on his face. "Murtasim." Uncle took a harsh breath, and his son looked at me. His eyes gazed at my figure and expressed his disdain. So Rude. Uncle introduced us, "Beta, meet my son, Murtasim." Then he turned to his son, "Murtasim, she is Meerab—your Uncle Anwar's daughter."

Murtasim forcefully smiled at me, but this time, I glared and sat beside my father. No one mentioned my messy uniform. But I did catch Murtasim's glimpse. What does he want? My Uncle asked my Dad to take his case for some land dispute with Maliks. Dad agreed immediately. He never rejects anything Uncle says, which triggers me sometimes. But Mom shuts me off, saying I am too young. This is family.

Maybe I am. But when I grow up, I will stand for my father.

I got up, feeling uneasy in my uniform. I glanced at Murtasim, who was still busy typing on his face. No expressions. However, his lips twitched, a smile perhaps. and he got up. "Uncle, May I know where the bathroom is?"  Dad nodded and turned to me, "Meerab, show Murtasim Bhai the bathroom."

Bhai? What the fuck? He is not my brother. Why would I call him Bhai? I did not want to call him Bhai.

Lost in my thoughts, I felt Dad's palm on my back. I nodded and stood up. He silently followed me outside. I walked out to the end of the hallway.

Pointing at the door, "This is the guest room." Murtasim walked up and placed his hand on the handle. "How old are you, Meerab?" He suddenly asked, taking me by surprise. I folded my arms over my chest.


His lips curled up, "Well, Meerab, fourteen is not the right age to get into school fights." My mouth opened. How did he know? Perhaps because of my clothes. I looked down at the apparent reason. "Yes, because of your clothes. But your jaw is turning purple. It would be best if you put an ice pack on it."

"Why do you care? You are not my brother. Nor my Dad." Annoyance dripped from my voice, but I didn't care. I never do.

He chuckled, "I have no intention of being your brother. As you probably know, I have a sister. I don't need another crackhead. Your face does not look good. You are young and should focus on challenging your energy elsewhere." He opened the door and walked in.

What does he mean by Another Crackhead? I followed him in the room.

"Wait. Who are you to order me around? You look pretty young yourself. " No one gets to do that to me.

He turned,  "Oh well, thanks for the compliment. I am 19. Old enough to be your brother." He wickedly smiled, and I shook my head. Frustration rose, but I walked out before I cracked his head open. Dad will kill me if something happens to his precious Murtasim.

Well... how was it? I know it's not really great or anything. Please let me know and vote...

Love you😘

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