Season 2 Chapter 2

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~1 year, 6 months and 3 days ago~
~Police Station~

-My sister is missing! How can you speak so shamelessly!?

Seok Hoon was furious, he was angry that at this time the police were just watching what was happening but doing nothing. But he was even more furious and because of that he heard these words from the police officer
"How can we find a dead person?"

-And you call yourself a policeman?! My sister disappeared without a trace a week ago! Shouldn't you find her!?

-You read her letter, right? She wrote that she misses her mother. Mrs. Shim died, which means that she wanted to die and committed suicide. Her bag with things was also found in the Han River. How do you make this clear? We will do everything to find your sister's body, so stop bothering us, otherwise I will close the case

-I will sue you if you don't find my sister

2 years ago. 2023 November 29

The elevator opens when the screen shows the number 100.
Having quickly and deftly opened the doors of the Penthouse, Joo Seok Hoon scurries into the living room and runs into the housekeeper

- Excuse me, where is mom? Did she go out somewhere? Is she not there?-, he asked from time to time looking at the Penthouse

-Mrs. Shim is in the room. She didn't feel well. So I took the medicine and fell asleep. And what?

-By God, she didn’t answer the calls and I got worried...

-Well, she’s asleep, that’s why she didn’t answer

-Yes... What about Seok Kyung? Is she in the room? She doesn’t answer either, the phone is turned off... -, asked Seok Hoon, going up to the 2nd floor, heading to her room

-She’s not there. She hasn’t come back since she left the other day-, she answered, causing the young guy to stop halfway. In an instant, his worry turned to anger. He remembered what she arranged here before leaving

-Thank you -, he bowed his head to Seok Hoon and continued to his room. Entering his room, he dialed Rona and told her what he had just learned, she was happy and asked him to rest, to which Seok Hoon agreed sitting on the bed Seok Hoon tried to close his eyes and fall asleep, but he couldn’t, so he got out of bed, then headed to the music room where his piano stood. Playing the piano is one of Seok Hoon's ways of calming down. Playing a slow and at the same time sharp composition on the piano, he calmed himself down. This helped him focus, calm down and release his anger with soothing or harsh compositions.

2023 year. 29th of November. Time: 21:46

Some time has passed since he entered this room. About 30 or 40 minutes. And all this time he was rehearsing a composition for Rona's performance, she would perform a solo at the end of the year, so she asked him to be his companion. Suddenly the phone lying on the sofa away from him rang. Seok Hoon renounced his piano, stood up and took the phone in his arms, sitting back on the sofa.

“Unknown number”

-Who is this? -, asked Seok Hoon immediately after answering this call

-Seok Hoon, it’s me -, from the other end of the call , he heard the voice of his sister who was breathing heavily

-Where are you? Why are you calling from another number? Have you looked at the time? Where are you anyway? -, asked Sok Hoon, standing up from the sofa reflexively

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