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Chapter Twenty Nine

I made my way through the crowd, looking for the one girl who made my blood run hot. She knew how to make irritate me in a way no one could. Peoples sweaty bodies were a scene that made it familiar to high school. People dancing and grinding against each other.

Of course she went to this party only because I told her she shouldn't go.

What was she doing here anyways? This was not her scene. Of course it was not her scene, she was locked up all her life.

Suddenly, I felt guilty for everything I put her through, knowing she had been through bad stuff all her life.

I could notice her in a room full of people and only be drawn to her. Everyone else seemed to unfaze me. It was as if she was the only girl in the world.

I ignored what was going on in my mind and made my way towards her golden hair and perfect figure. She had gained weight since I first found her and it made my insides warm in happiness. This was bad. I never felt happy. I wished she didn't bring these feelings out of me.

I saw her dancing and moving her body in ways I have never seen. It made my dick jolt just watching her in skimpy clothes. That made me feel protective and kill every man who got to see her like that. I knew she wouldn't listen if I told her she shouldn't wear that. If only I saw her leave with what she was wearing. No, that would only make her prove that she wouldn't do what I asked.

Fuck, if this was any other girl I wouldn't give a shit.

Once I found her, I grabbed her elbow and spun her around to me. Her doe eyes widened when she saw me. I looked at the cup in her hand and it was half empty. She didn't seem to be so drunk she was out of control. This may have been her first drink.

"What are you doing here?" I growled. I hoped she could sense the anger. She didn't seem to be afraid as usual and I think it was the alcohol.

She tried to release herself from my grip, but I held tighter. "You're hurting me," she whimpered. I slightly released her and grabbed onto her wrist, forcing her to not go anywhere.

"I never lose," I told her. I wanted her to know that it was because of her but I didn't want to tell her straight up.

She looked at me confused. Her beautiful eyes made me weak. Was she my weakness?

"A fight," I clarified.

Her lips moved into an O shape. "Why are you telling me this? And why are you telling me this here?"

She moved her eyes down to my hand on her wrist and then around at the party. I didn't plan on telling her this at all. I needed to get it off my chest and if this was the only way to get her to listen to me then I didn't care.

"Because you need to know the things you do to me," I said lowly.

"What I do to you?" Marebela questioned slowly.

I moved closer to her. Her breath hitched. I still had an effect on her even when she was slightly intoxicated. I wanted her to know that I wouldn't run away anymore. I was willing to fight to stay with her. I would do whatever it takes. I'd kill anyone and everything for her even if that will make her look in my direction.

"I quit smoking for you," I admitted. "That's how much control you have over me."

She only stood still in confusion. Probably confused on why I am throwing this her. I saw her skin glisten in the moonlight. Her hair was smooth and soft I wanted to run my hands through it. For the first time I wanted to be gentle. I wanted to be soft just for her and only her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12 ⏰

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