2| if i hear your voice i'll be fine.

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[i would suggest playin ghostin by ariana grande here cos this inspired the oneshot]

Mikasa snuck out of the bed, taking one last glance at her lover before leaving the room. She trudged down the hallway, leaving the lights off, and made her way into the kitchen.

She stood by the stove, zoning out as the tea boiled, waiting for the pot to whistle. Mikasa often found herself in this position, standing by the stove top waiting for her tea to finish. As peaceful as it was to sleep in the arms of her lover, her dreams took her to other places.

She would always dream of him. And no, not the him that she lays next to every night. It made her feel so guilty when she would wake up in his arms, after he would visit her in her dreams. She thought it would be best to leave the room after she experienced those dreams, because usually it would lead to the waterworks after she threw back her tea.

The kettle began to whistle, bringing her back to reality. She shut off the stove, and poured herself a glass. She walked over to the windowsill, and took a seat. She was so happy that they had this windowsill, it was her own little spot. Her husband only ever sat on it whenever their house was crowded with guests, which was a rare occurrence.

Mikasa blew on the tea before taking a sip, glancing out the window. The street was empty, which made sense since it was way into the night. At one point she started zoning out after a bit, listening to the sound of the rain hitting the window.

He placed his cold hands on her face, and god could she get lost in those beautiful eyes of his.

"Mikasa, what's wrong?" Eren asked, moving his thumb across her cheek. "You're crying, my love." Was she? She hadn't noticed.

"Oh," She muttered. "I didn't even realize."

"There's no need to cry. I'm here now," Eren reassured her. That made her heart ache.

"Will you stay with me?" Mikasa asked, a tear sliding down her cheek.

"I was never planning on leaving."

Mikasa wiped her damp cheeks. I was never planning on leaving. What a damn lie! If he was never planning on leaving, he would be here. He would be here to hold her, to make everything better.

"Liar," Mikasa sobbed quietly.

"Mikasa?" Her lover spoke, startling her. "Mikasa, what are you doing? It's two in the morning, my love." A chill ran up her spine. You're crying, my love.

She wiped her face once again. "I-I couldn't sleep," She sniffed. "I made some tea."

"Let's go back to bed," He said, grabbing her hands. She couldn't help but notice how warm his hands were. She nodded, and followed him into their bedroom.

They settled into the bed, and he brought her into his strong arms. "It's going to be okay, my love." He kissed the back of her head, and she closed her eyes. She thought about how warm he was, versus the cold hands that were on her face in her dreams. She felt safe in his arms, he had become her new home. God, he was her home. He was perfect, so understanding and so good to her.

She knew that he knew the real reason she would cry all those nights, but he never said anything about it. It made her feel so goddamn guilty. Here he is, comforting her as she silently cried over someone else. Mikasa squeezed her husband's arms reassuringly.

It wasn't long until she fell asleep.

[i would suggest playing these four walls by little mix during this portion]

That night he visited her again. Just like he always did. Mikasa's heart swells as her eyes meet those beautiful green ones, letting out a soft gasp.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2023 ⏰

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