1 Re-Writing Destiny

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Chapter 1 Re-writing Destiny

"Arnavjiiiiiii" Khushi fell from the hilltop, shouting when Lallan drew her behind to attack Arnav.

Arnav who saw her falling became furious and also scared. Fear of losing Khushi gripped his heart. Hitting the goons who kidnapped him, Arnav rushed to the valley to look for Khushi. His breath ditched, seeing the depth of the valley. His heartbeat which always synchronized with her heartbeat felt it missing. The knowledge of what would have happened to Khushi frightened him like hell. Anyone who fell into the valley could not be alive. He could not see Khushi. She was not within his eye limit. He got down into the valley carefully. He got many scratches on his body while doing that. But he didn't care about it. It was nothing when compared to the pain that was killing him from the inside.

Arnav froze, seeing Khushi lying on the ground lifelessly. He ran to her and tried to wake her up but there was no movement in Khushi. He shouted... screamed... yelled... pleaded... but Khushi didn't respond to him. He tapped her cheek.

 He tapped her cheek

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"Khushi, look at me... please don't do this to me, damn it..."

He cried, hugging her.

"Khushi, please talk to me... without you..." his throat choked with pain.

He could not see her in that state who saved his life, risking her life lying in his arms lifelessly.

He gave CPR treatment, in the hope of bringing her back. He gave her chest compression to get her heart to function again. Sealing his mouth over hers, he blew steadily. No use...

Arnav's eyes emitted fear and helplessness. He shrieked hugging her.

That was when something drew his attention. It was an old and unmaintained Devi Maiya idol. Arnav gritted his teeth in anger, seeing that.

"Why the hell are you smiling at me damn it? This is what God does? She trusted you like anything. She trusted that you would be with her and no bad would happen to her. If you are truly a God, you would have saved her... you would not have let her die. You are a cheat. You killed not only her but also her trust in you" Taking a stone, Arnav threw it at the idol with anger.

The time the stone hit the idol, an eye-twitched light created and spread to the surroundings. Arnav restricted the flash with his palm, shrinking his eyes. The flashing light slowly faded. Arnav saw Devi Maiya standing with a pleasant smile. Arnav widened his eyes with disbelief. It was not hard for him to understand who she was. Even though he didn't believe in God he could not be without believing her now.

He came to composure as his anger overpowered him as usual.

"Why did you take my Khushi's life? What's wrong she did? She worshiped you... trusted you... But, what did you do? You killed her"

"Is it you who is talking about Khushi? Yes, I took her life... for only one time but what did you do? You killed her heart many times mercilessly... did you ever care about her? Just because she defied you, what did you do with her? Because of you, she faced problems in her life. It was only you who was the reason for her struggle. You gave her only tears. And now, you are shouting at me?"

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