65 How?

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Part 65 How?

Sheetal looked at Arnav with extreme shock. She felt humiliated as Khushi was there when Arnav pushed him. Sheetal had many plans to make Khushi believe that Arnav and she had an affair but, with one PUSH, Arnav made it upside down. Her efforts went in vain.

Khushi rushed to her to help her. Sheetal stood up dusting up.

"I'm sorry, Arnav, my leg twisted. I can understand why you pushed me...! Any wife would feel uneasy if her husband saving another woman...!" She said looking at Khushi.

Arnav was shocked. What she was trying to prove?

"I would have pushed you even though my wife is not here..." he said gritting his teeth.

"I know... don't I know you? Ssss..." She pressed her hand, making a face as if she was in pain.

Khushi felt bad for her, and it was obvious. After all, she was Khushi.

"Arnavji, why did you push her so hard? You should have helped her instead of pushing her. Why did you do that, Arnavji?"

Before Arnav answered, they heard,

"It's because he feels loath to be touched by another woman..."

They saw Dadi standing, looking at Sheetal sarcastically. Sheetal fumed as she didn't like Dadi.

"Actually, Dadiji, Arnavji pushed her and she fell..."

"Khushi, you are so innocent but Arnav is not like you. He is an expert in understanding people and their intentions"

"What do you mean, Dadiji? Do you say I have a bad intention?" Sheetal asked.

"When did I say you have bad intentions? I just said in common to make Khushi understand Arnav. Why are you reacting to it? This is OUR family matter. It's better if you stay away from this"

"Arnav, your Dadi is insulting me. Won't you say anything?"

"My Dadi is the elder of our family. We respect her. Just for a woman who will stay here for a few days, I can't defy her... in fact, there is nothing to defy. She always talks right" Arnav said coolly, making Khushi drop her jaw.

Was that Arnav who praised Dadi? Did he say he could not defy her? She wondered. What happened to these two, each of them was taking the other's side...?

"By the way, Sheetal, I talked to a house broker, there are many houses in his hand, in your budget. He will call you in the evening. You can go and see the houses"

Sheetal was irritated. What the hell was wrong with Arnav? Why didn't he show interest in her? He didn't even give heed to Aarav who looked like him. More than that, his family members were also disinterested. It seemed she would not easy to make them fall into her web.

"I thought you would like me to be here for a few more days" Sheetal smiled awkwardly.

"Why would I think so? We have lives and our paths are different. I have a family. I like to spend with my wife if I have time. There is nothing more than that in my mind"

She plastered a smile and left the room.

"You have done a very good job by finding a house for her, Arnav" Dadi said.

Arnav nodded. Dadi walked out.


She looked at him.

"Thank you so much"

She smiled and left. Khushi waited until she left.

"Why are you disinterested in Sheetalji, Arnavji?"

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