Chapter 1

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Paige' s P.O.V

Today I woke up at 7:00 to get ready for school. I got out of my bed and went in the washroom to do my hair. I plugged in the curling iron and then waited for it to get hot. When it was done heating up I started tp curl. As I was curling my hair the phone rang. I answered it. " Hello" said the voice on the phone. " Hey who is this I said. " It Rhegan you idiot" . " Oh hey what' s up". " Just wondering if you could come pick me up on your way to school". " Sure". Then I hung up the phone and finished doing my hair. After my hair I picked out some clothes to wear. I picked our my bargundy jeans and my white top. I put the clothes on and then went down stairs the to kitchen. I grabbed my lunch and then walked out the door to go pick up Rhegan.

I walked up to Rhegan's front door and knocked on the door. Rhegan opened the door with a big smile on her face. " what" I asked her. "nothing is it so wrong to be happy" she responded. I walked in and she closed the door behind me. She said she would be a second so she ran upstairs. Rhegan came back down and grabbed her lunch, backpack , then her coat and we left.

We got to school and we had to want outside till the bell rang. Suddenly Rhegan gasped. " what" I say to her. "Ryan's here"she said to me like I was dumb. The stared at him for the longest time. Then I gasped because I saw Vince he is probably the hotest guy I have ever seen. Then Rhegan gasped again because she saw Robert. Finally I hear the bell ring. Rhegan walked over to her locker but someone pulled her aside. It was Ryan. After Ryan was done talking to her she came back screaming. "what" I asked her. Ryan just asked me out. "What did you say" I asked her. She told me she said......... .................

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