11| surprises

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we ran through the tunnels once again as robin spoke. "-he doesn't have the juice to acquire the blockbuster formula or to get kobra to do his dirty work."

"and neither of them have the chops to bond blockbuster with venom." kid flash added. "that took some major nerdage."

"i believe the expression is tip of the iceberg." aqualad said just as bane rounded the corner.

"halt ninos." bane said, holding a button in his hand. "i'm feeling explosive."

"you betrayed us." aqualad said with a shocked expression. "why?"

"i want my factory back." bane said. "so i forced you into a situation where you would either take down my enemies or die trying." kid flash began to back up. "if the latter, the justice league would certainly have come to avenge their sidekicks. and when the smoke clears, santa prisms would be mine once more. blowing the tunnel with you inside should have the same effect."

bane didn't have time to do anything when kid flash rushed past and swiped the button from his hand.

"with what?" kid flashed asked. "this trigger thingy?"

bane went to attack kid flash but miss martian used her telekinetic powers to stop him.

super boy stood in front of the martian in a fighting stance with a smirk. "finally. drop him."

martian did as she was told. just as bane fell to the ground, superboy landed a hard punch to the villains face.

the plan was finally in action. just as the helicopter was about to leave, kid flash rushed forward and took out some of the guards.

super boy landed in front of the helicopter, crushing the ground beneath him.

"go again?" he asked with a smirk. i conjured some water from the sea and used it to blast the beast just before he could get to superboy. "sorry. not the plan."

aqualad took over. i watched as superboy got shot by red beams by the villain. i glared harshly but before i could do anything, he grabbed me and put his arm over my neck and continued to shoot superboy. i fought in his grip but i couldn't escape.

superboy tried to advance but with every step forward, the villain took back. "thanks for the workout, but i gotta fly." before i knew it, he had thrown me. i hit superbugs chest roughly, both of us falling to the ground.

the helicopter took off. i sat up and grabbed the trigger. i smirked and he nodded. i hit the button causing the helicopter to go up into flames.

"i've always wanted to do that." i said. but just before i could do anything, the helicopter landed on the factory.

"come on." superboy said, grabbing my hand and hoisting me up. we rushed over to where the rest of the team was and all took a fighting stance.

"another time, then." the God spoke before disappearing into thin air.

"we picked the right guy to lead." robin said. "automatically making you the right guy to explain this mess to batman." robin laughed loudly.

we were all stood in a line in our normal clothes. batman was giving us a lecture about our mission. kaldur stood first, then dick, then wally, then megan, then me and lastly superboy. our heads were down out of shame.

"a simple recon mission, observe and report." batman grumbled. "you'll each receive a written evaluation detailing your many mistakes. until then, good job."
everyone's heads shout up at the compliment. my eyes widened and stared at the batman. "no battle plan survives first contact with he enemy. how you adjust to the unforeseen is what determines success. and how you choose who leads determines character."

i sat in the lounging area, a book in hand. it was just a day after the mission and i was sore. after being thrown at superboy who is built like a brick wall, hurts.

i could've been at bruce's mansion with dick and wally but i needed relaxation. and you're not gonna get that with those two idiots.

my silence was interrupted by superboy walking in. he looked down at me and smiled, i returned the favor.

"do you wanna..." he trailed off as to think of what he was gonna say. i waited patiently. "do you wanna go for a walk?"

i looked down at my book before looking back up at the boy. i smiled.


i thought y'all deserved a couple chapters. you have been so patient with everything and i needed to give you guys something. so i finally finished the episode and we're just gonna ignore how bad it is okay? okay.

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