Orgins Part 1

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I claim no rights to the My Hero Academia or DC franchises. I'm just a die-hard fan who thought this would be a great story.

If there was one thing that had been drilled into Izuku Midoriya's mind ever since he was a kid, It was the cold hard fact that not all men were created equal...


Izuku: Wow Kacchan! That rock was huge! You shattered it like it was nothing!"

A young boy with curly green hair cried out.

Katsuki: Tch, that was nothing! Just wait till I see a bigger one, then everyone will see my real power!"

The four year old known as Katsuki Bakugo or "Kacchan" smiled devilishly as he looked down at his smoke eroded hands. He'd been practicing for weeks ever since his quirk manifested, and he couldn't be even happier.

His quirk was amazing. As a matter of fact, he was amazing. As long as he had this power, nothing would stand in his way. The boy was just about to look for something else to blow up before he heard the voice behind him speak again.

Izuku: You're gonna be an amazing hero one day Kacchan!"

Izuku Midoriya said excitedly, his cheeks a light shade of pink out of happiness for his friend.

However, instead of taking the complaint and thanking the boy, Katsuki grew an enormous smirk on his face. A very big piece of information coming back to his attention.

Katsuki: Hey Deku! You're almost five years old aren't you? When are you gonna go to the doctor to find out your quirk!?"

Of course, the blonde already knew the answer to this, seeing as Izuku had confessed last week that he was quirkless.

The green haired boy's wide smile turned completely on its head in a heartbeat, and his proud demeanor fell as well, his shoulders slumping as he looked at the ground.

Izuku: That's not fair Kacchan, I already told you guys I don't have a quirk..."

Katsuki: Ahahahahaa! I know that you dumb Deku! I just wanted to hear you say it again! Ahahahahaaa!"

Seeing that their leader was getting quite a laugh out of the situation, the other two followers in the group decided to join in as well. After all, they cared a lot more about what Katsuki thought of them than that weirdo Midoriya.

With tears threatening to fall down his face once again, the small quirkless boy mustered all the courage he had and raised his head to meet the blonde.

Izuku: Stop laughing at me Kacchan! If I try my hardest, I can still be a hero, even if I'm quirkless!"





Needless to say, that was the last time the green haired boy ever stood up to his childhood friend... if he could even still call him that. Nowadays, ten years later, things are pretty much the same, except arguably worse for poor Izuku.

It's been years since that day and life for the young greente was worst for wear.

At one point in Izuku Midoriyas life he remembered one day when he came across a checkbox calendar online one time. It followed through each day of the year, like a graph the way it was formatted, and to its side was a color indicator a list of colors representing an emotion or outlook on experiences.

People were meant to fill in the boxes with the color that best represented their day, and apparently it was to motivate them to work on making bad days followed by better days until those were what remained.

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