ch~7 🔇

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Jun was standing in middle of the music room, not what is going on or if Joshua is okay or not. He was going to shout his name when suddenly lights turn on it was blue lights.

 He was going to shout his name when suddenly lights turn on it was blue lights

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[ Ignore other things just focus on  lights]

The lights gives vibes and that warm feeling.Jun look at the lights then eyes went on a person who was standing with Guitar. Jun was surprised. Obviously it was no other then Joshua.

Joshua took out his phone and tap on play button and start playing guitar, he slowly walks towards Jun who was still standing their in middle completely frozen.

One step closerrrrr...
I have died everyday  waiting for you,
Darling don't be afraid I have loved you ,
For thousands years, I love you for thousands years more ~

[ song : thousand years ]

Joshua completes playing the song, he close the song on his phone and remove guitar from himself, he kept his guitar aside safely and held jun's hand in his, they were now really close to eachother standing, looking into each other's eyes deeply in love. After 20mins Joshua release jun's hand and took out his notepad,and intertwine his and jun's one hand,he give to jun, which jun took it and read the letter that joshua wrote , Jun was shocked because he never thought that Joshua will ever like him or even if Joshua likes him he didn't thought that Joshua will be brave to confess. But Jun was already flustered, blushing and most importantly he was the happiest guy in the whole universe right now. He couldn't express how happy he was. When he read last line "Will you like to go out with me ,junnie? " his happiness reach galaxy, he couldn't believe that Joshua asked him on a freaking date, he was literally crying by now, the tears of love and comfort that he had never felt before. That warm feeling of love,he was feeling right now was just unexplainable. He complete reading Joshua's letter, he kept Joshua's notepad on the side table ,he took Joshua's other hand in his and rub his hand with his thumb with comfort, he then release his hands and went to Joshua's cheeks, he held Joshua's cheek with his one hand,Joshua can feel his face heating up ,he felt that warm and comfort feeling from jun's hand. He wish that Jun's hand always stay their on his cheek. Joshua was blushing mess by now, " I also really really like you Joshua, I was unsure at first but like time went by i realize my feelings for you, I realize that how much i like you, I realize without you my life is shit, shua you are the Angel came from heaven. Yes i will go out with you " Jun finish saying, Joshua who was blushing also has tears in his eyes, when jun said yes to go out with him he was happiest man in Universe .He couldn't express his happiness, Both can't express their happiness right now, both looking into each others eyes ,both of their bodies so close to each other. They were feeling all that feeling that they had never felt before, that warm feeling of love, the feeling of Love, everything.

"woooohooooo", "yayyyyyy" "finallyyyy" the loud cheering and clapping were heard, both Jun and Joshua turn around to see , their stand all 11 idiotic friends, cheering like those girls and really happy for both of them. Jun and Joshua look at them, then to eachother and both chuckle. Jun took Joshua's hand in his and gave a kiss on Joshua's forehead, Joshua blush and lower his head, they walk to their friends who were standing near the entrance. "Aww look at you both,you guys really happiest people right now "seungkwan says and both Jun and Joshua blush. They started teasing both of them. "okay, okay guys stop, we should leave now " seungcheol says." why don't we all go out and have dinner "seungkwan says. "yeah, we should, let's celebrate Junshua "mingyu says. "junshua what's that?"hao asked. "dummy, it's new couple ship name Jun + Joshua =junshua "mingyu replies. Both Jun and Joshua blush for like 17th time, they really like their ship name it was cute. " okay guys let's go for dinner "Jun says. "really "seungkwan asks.jun nods. Everyone cheers and ran to change.

While all this was going on someone was spying and listening this whole time. They been spying on Jun and Joshua ever since Joshua had join Jun and his friends. "Are keeping your eye on them, Sana? ", the lady on the other line asked. "yes ma'am i am "Sana answered. "what they are doing right now "the lady from other side asked. "ma'am they are going out,  I think for dinner "Sana replied. "okay you know what to do right "The lady on the phone asked. " yes ma'am "Sana answered. And they cut the call.

Jun give Joshua his clothes since Joshua doesn't have any clothes right now. They were at their hangout house where everyone has a room, their stuffs, and their clothes too, maximum time they all live or hangout at this house. It was their second home. But Joshua was new so obliviously he doesn't had any clothes with him, so Jun gave him his hoodie after all it's Winter going on.

Everyone was ready to go, they separate into three cars, hao, dk, mingyu and wonwoo in one car, jeonghan, seungcheol, Jun and Joshua in one car, soonyoung, woozi, seungkwan, Vernon and Chan in one car. They all sat in the car and start driving, they all decided to go "Diamond Café" which was not that far. And one of the best and famous café in that town. The food is just delicious and yummy.

Sana saw them driving off, she immediately started her car and started stalking them. Not to close, she kept little distance so that no one doubts her.

🦋Sorry for Cringey chapter, I'm not good at writing romantic stuffs but still hope you likes it guys🦋
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🦋Have a amazing day/night🦋

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