Chapter 1 cont.

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(John Dory's POV)

" -And that seems about it for now. Please do enjoy the snacks. I tried to make them to you guys' liking. I hope I did a good job" Ophelia spoke, holding out the tray of food for everyone. "Oh! Sweet, Literally" Bruce said. Clay took his share of sweets, Floyd took one cookie and then there was me. She held the tray out towards me, her eyes locking onto mine. " Are you going to grab something, John Dory?" She grinned as she said my name, my eyes never leaving her. " I uh..." I started but couldn't finish.

" Uh...Bro? Are you okay?" Clay asked, nudging me in my side. " You're acting weird. Just take something from off the tray." He raised his eyebrow as he looked in between Me and Ophelia. Then a gasp "Ohhhh, Okayyy." He smirked before turning way to join Floyd and Branch. I snapped out of it and took some of the sweets from off of the tray. "Thank you Ophelia. For all of this. A beautiful girl just as beautiful as these decorations." I said, Ophelia pulled the tray back and that same sound she made when she giggled earlier came back. Gosh it was so cute. 

" Uhh, well I think me and Ophelia should be on our way so you guys can get out there an perform" Poppy interfered. She took the tray from Ophelia and set it on the table. "Good luck out there Branchifer." She winked. "Thank you Poppifer" Branch smiled in return. I watched as Poppy dragged the girl off with her so that they could get their spots for the show. Once they left I turned back to my brothers. All wearing smug grins and staring back at me. 

" What?" I tilted my head and shrugged my shoulders.
" A beautiful girl as beautiful as these decorations, ouuu~" Bruce mocked me.
" I'm John Dory and I'm in loveeee~" Clay teased.
I rolled my eyes. " I don't know what you guys are talkin about. Love? Tch. You guys know I'm a lone wolf. Love is not my thing" I walked away from the group as if I didn't know what they meant. Branch and Floyd came up behind me, Floyd placing a hand on my shoulder. " Don't listen to them, they're just being a bunch of boys" 
"Yeah, but at the same time they're not wrong" Branch added, "The way you were lookin at her was rather...suspicious. And you were acting weird...weirder than usual."

"Yeah Yeah whatever. Let's just focus on the show. Let's get out there and impress the crowd huh?" I turned and looked at my brothers. They exchanged glances but nodded in agreement.

The lights on the stage shone bright colors of pinks, blues and purples. On the speakers, we were announced as the music for our song began. We all walked on stage and the crowd went wild. Screaming our names, reaching out for a handshake. My brothers put on quite the show, flirting with the crowd. Tch and they were talking about me. 
My eyes wondered the crowd as we sang, lookin for the golden eyed angel I was face to face with before this show. Once I found her, I smiled and pointed at her as I sang my lyric "And we got love on sight~" I winked before turning away to continue the choreography. 

Throughout the night I shot glances towards her way, making sure she was still there and she always was. I was pretty sure she was waiting for me to look at her at least once or twice. 
The show had ended with a bang, the crowd calling our names as we bowed, leaving the crowd shortly after. 

"Aw yeah! That was a fantastic show bro's! We really did well out there." I exclaimed.
"I'm sure you were having quite the time performing. Especially knowing that She was out in the crowd looking at you" Bruce prodded at my arm before his attention turned to someone at the door. "Speaking of which...Hey Ophelia!" 

" Hey Sp- Sorry, Bruce! You guys were amazing! The choreography, the vocals! Ugh I feel like a little girl again" Ophelia ranted on. Then her eyes met mine. "And you, John Dory. You were phenomenal. You were my second favorite when I was younger but now I think you're my first" 
I felt a heat rush to my ears, I could tell I was blushing from her comment. "Well, uhm...Thank you. That really means a lot to me" 

"Branchifer!" Poppy called out as she ran into Branch's arms, Branch caught her swinging her around before placing her back on the ground. " Your band days really aren't behind you, rawr" She imitated the sound of a tiger while speaking to him. Viva came in, the ball of excitement she is, and squealed. " Oh my goshh!! You guys were fantastamazing! And Clay- you didn't tell me you could sing like that !" Viva ran over to him, giving him a hip bump before joining Poppy and Branch, leaving Ophelia, but she was talking to Floyd. Everyone was doing something and yet here I was standing awkwardly in the middle of the room. 

" Hey, John Dory? Floyd and I were going for a walk if you wanted to join us before you guys turned in for the night." Ophelia waved towards me, Floyd nodding his head as he walked towards the door. I could tell what he was doing, but I was thankful for that. I nodded my head back at him with a smile. " Yeah, I'd like that. " 
" Well then, let's go so that we can catch any shooting stars" Floyd spoke as he followed Ophelia out the pod. I waved goodbye to everyone before catching up to them.

Might as well use this opportunity to get to know her better. Tch...Floyd can really see through me huh?

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