16 - Teacher AU

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I basically don't know anything about the American school system and I'm too lazy to do more research since I'll only write this for an hour, so sorry if I write about things that could never happen

A new school again.

That sounds like something I would have said when I was 17, and it is still something I think/say often now.

Hey, my name is Alexander, and I am a teacher. A teacher who just seemingly isn't able to stay at one school for longer than a year.

It is probably because I won't stop looking for the right place to live or work in until I'm satisfied. And let's be real, I will never be satisfied.

But a few months ago, I figured it was the right time to start over once again since I got divorced from my now ex-wife.

It didn't feel so good to live in a house where we lived when we planned our future but ended up breaking up.

And this Jefferson guy? Don't get me even started on him.

No, that was just not the environment I want to be in. I had to get out.

So now I'm standing here, in some hallway of the Miranda High School.

And, um, where exactly was I? I'd really like to know that because I had only 20 minutes before school starts and so much shit to prepare to make a god first impression.

Room 1771, 1772, 1773... nope, completely wrong direction, I guess.

Like, I know I probably am on the other side of the school because I am really certain Mr. Washington didn't show me any of the hallway surrounding me.

So I did the best thing I could; knock on a random door, room 1776, to be exact.

God, why am I knocking?
There are probably students anyway, I can just go in.

I opened the door and found the room to be empty, surprisingly. Only a guy with dark brown curls sat at the desk, hurriedly writing something down.

He looked up at me when he heard me and my gaze met his shiny green eyes for a second, but I looked away because I know better but to get caught in someone's eyes... once again.

"Who are you? I've never seen you before?" the freckled man asked. Yep, he had freckles all over his and probably all over his arms too, at least judging by what I could see under his slightly rolled up sleeves.

"My name is Alexander Hamilton. I'm a new history teacher here, but I got lost, I think," I explained.

He smiled politely. "Ah, my name is John Laurens, biology teacher. Nice to meet you." He got up from his desk and quickly shook my hand. "Hasn't anybody showed you your classroom?"

"Mr. Washington did, but I kind of completely forgot where to go."

"So, what room are you looking for?"


"That's great!" John exclaimed. "Now I've got an excuse to hang out with Laf some more, a friend of mine, his room is right next to yours."

"Why am I your excuse?"

"Because I need to look out for the new guy." He laughed slightly.

"Thanks, but I'll find my way around," I replied quickly.

"Ok then..." John looked a little... disappointed? The fuck, do you have a problem with me being a little independent? He doesn't even know me.
But just don't overthink it, Alex. For once in your goddamn life, do not overthink every word and every movement he does.
"I'll bring you to your room."

"No, I'll find it on my own, I think. I don't want to bother you. Just tell me where to go and I'll be fine."

"Ok," John said, shrugging, and then started to explain where I had to go to find my room.

Like, I knew this school was a maze, but he needed one minute to even explain how I'd have to go to be in the general direction of the room...

This should be fun.

"Thanks, bye." I said eventually, trying to remember which way I'd have to go now.

Right, right, left... left agai- no, right and... l-left now...? And now ri- WAIT A SECOND?! WHY AM I STANDING ON FRONT OF JOHN'S CLASSROOM AGAIN NOW?!

I swear this school is a fucking maze.

I checked my phone; eight more minutes.

Flustered and slightly embarrassed, I took a deep breath and decided to admit defeat. I knocked on the door of John's classroom, and he opened it with an amused expression.

"Still host, huh?"

I sighed, annoyed. "Yep. Mind showing me the way?"

"Sure," he grinned. "Do I have to take your hand, so you don't get lost a third time?" he joked and took my hand without hesitating. I didn't complain. "You have a class now?"


"Ugh, we gotta hurry then. You can't make a bad impression on your first class," John replied and then basically dragged me down the hallways, almost running.

"You know that everybody whispers about two of their teachers holding hands right now?" I asked, but still not pulling away from his hand.

"I know," he answered. "They'll find you more interesting if there are rumors about you and me."

I raised a brow at him and accidentally bumped into a woman in a red dress, who almost spilled her coffee onto me and herself.
"Sorry!" I shouted quickly before John pulled me away again.

We did this half-running for the school for probably 2 more minutes before we finally arrived in front of my class.

"Thanks," I said sheepishly, now letting go of his hand, which instantly felt cold like ice without his warm touch.
BUT JUST TO MAKE IT CLEAR; he was just some guy; I most definitely didn't enjoy holding his hand.

"I think I'm gonna pick you up here later, so you don't get lost again."

"Please don't, you're not my dad."

"No, but I can be your daddy if you want to," he smirked.

I raised a brow at him at disgust.

Ugh, who allowed this guy to be near children? He must make a pretty shitty teacher.

"Have fun," John said, before quickly opening the door to my classroom, basically pushing me inside. All the students stared at me as I stumbled my way through the room.

"This is Mr. Hamilton, your new teacher," John announced to my class. "Excuse him for being late, he was busy getting lost." He smirked at me, and the class started laughing.

I awkwardly chuckled to make it seem like they aren't just straight up laughing at me, even though I know they were.

"You can go now, John," I said, basically begging him to leave with my eyes.

"Ok, ok, I'll check on my little Hammy later." John bowed in front of the class before finally leaving me alone. 

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