20. The Answers part 2

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Sapphire? Ruby?, they looked around with confusion and curiosity
Pearl got ready to strike but was stopped by Rose
She looked around seeing all the gems surrounding them about to capture them
Rose:"lets go"
They fled

Garnet unfused into Ruby and Sapphire
Blue:"Sapphire this was not the out come you predicted"
The anger in her voice struck fear into every gem around them
Sapphire:"t-this was not what I saw I don't know w-what happened"
The panic in her voice
Ruby ran stands up with the fear on her face but confident
Ruby:"i-it's my fault that this changed, f-forgive me i-"
Her voice showed fright

Blue got ready to fire an attack
Sapphire picked up the shards of the male gem quickly and grabbed Ruby's hand before running to the edge of the floating island and jumped down

Ruby was in disbelief after landing on earth
Ruby:"w-why did you do that?!"
Sapphire:"they were going to break you!"
Ruby:"that doesn't matter, there's tons of me!"
Ruby looked up to the sky and saw a light traveling to them, it was the attack that blue diamond was about to use on them

They moved out of the way in time but had forgotten about the shards of the male gem on the floor
The attack hit the shattered pieces before being absorbed by the shards, blue strings came out of the gem attaching themselves to the other pieces until it was repaired

Sapphire looked at the gem with amazement and curiosity she tried to walk to the gem but found her self to be frozen by the waist down and so did Ruby
The gem formed before seeing them frozen in ice

Izuku:"are y'all alright?!" He ran to them with worry and rage he was angry for not being able to protect them as he planned
Sapphire:"were alright, thank you for asking"
She was picked up by the waist before being pulled out, the same with Ruby

He carried them to a cave that would provide isolation from the rain
Izuku:"this should be good for now until the rain ends"
Sapphire sat on the floor as she watched him put Ruby down before he grabbed sticks to produce a fire

Sapphire moved her hair from covering her eye
Sapphire:"thank you, if I was hit then I would have poofed like the rest of them"
Izuku sat in between them admiring sapphire's
While Ruby had a tick of jealousy her cheeks glowed a darker red

Izuku saw Ruby's face and turned to her and decided to hug her
Ruby burned up smoke raised of them but izuku was not burnt by the heat

They sat for a while before Sapphire decided to say something
Sapphire:"I've seen gems fuse with each other before, but I had no idea that's what it felt like"
Ruby looked at her with curiosity before realizing something
Ruby:"it's never like that, whenever I fuse it always has been me, but bigger i- I've never had a third eye before"

Sapphire laughed at this interaction before smiling
Sapphire:"I've never had more then one, it was nice" Ruby smile

Izuku looked at them with a huge smile before remembering he had never fused before
No one wanted to they were scared of the outcome of them fusing with him because he was a creation of a demantoid and a emerald that found out forbidden information

They were scared of his attitude towards them or how ruthless he could be with shattered a gem if necessary, he always thought that he shouldn't listen to the diamond and he was correct

Ruby izuku and sapphire spent the night hugging each other while izuku kept watch for danger

The following morning Ruby, sapphire and izuku walked up a hill to the view of earth
Izuku watch with amazement and curiosity
He was excited to start a new life or something similar
They walked and observed life on earth and decided to live there, just them

Ruby and Sapphire danced and fused with joy before tripping and stumbling down a hill and into a thorn bush before being meet by a sword to the neck
They asked questions before they were responded by Rose quartz

Mean while izuku was walking in a old looking kindergarten were they started processing Sapphire's but was cancelled because ofissing resources
He looked at one of the injectors that was still functional, it was empty meaning that what ever was in it was already incubating in the ground

He waited for years before it was ready to come out and it seemed to be a confused sapphire
She looked around before her eyes landed on him
With fear she walked up to him before hugging him
The end

Izuku:"and that's how me and Garnet met and how I found Eri in that old kindergarten, good night" He walked away
Garnet smiled before following him

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