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A name that kept repeating over and over in my mind. It was like a sea of waves that kept crashing into my thoughts. Who is Jonan? Why does his name hold such a powerful presence in my mind? These questions consumed my thoughts as I continued to ponder the mysterious connection between Liam and Jonan. There was an undeniable bond, a friendship that seemed to transcend the ordinary. I couldn't help but feel a sense of curiosity and intrigue, eager to unravel the secrets hidden within their relationship.

I decided to message Shimko to see if they knew where I could find Liam to gain a deeper relationship with him to see what he was hiding. This could be the most exciting thing that has happened to me, so why wouldn't I do my best to be a Sherlock Holmes?

I waited anxiously for Shimko's response, hoping they could provide some insight into Liam's mysterious connection with Jonan. As I refreshed my messages, a notification appeared, indicating Shimko had replied. I eagerly opened the chat, my eyes scanning the words that would potentially unlock the secrets I sought.

Shimko responded with "Hmmm try the bowling alley. Ik he works there on sat."

I thanked Shimko for the information and quickly made my way to the bowling alley. As I entered, the sound of crashing pins and laughter filled the air. I scanned the room, searching for any sign of Liam. And then, I saw him. He was standing near the lanes, effortlessly rolling a strike. His focus and determination were impressive, and I couldn't help but admire his skill. I approached him cautiously, unsure of how to start the conversation. But as our eyes met, and a friendly smile spread across his face.

"Hey Amelia. What are you doing here?" He said maintaining his smile.

"Oh...I just come here every so often" I said awkwardly trying to avoid the fact that I was not at all a good bowler, and had been to a bowling alley twice in my life.

"Oh really? Why don't you take my turn then" Liam responded giving a curious grin.

"Oh no. I wouldn't want to accidently ruin your game or anything..."

"Well, I insist"

As I nervously picked up the bowling ball, I couldn't help but feel a surge of anxiousness and anticipation. With a deep breath, I focused on the pins ahead, visualizing a perfect strike. As I released the ball, it glided down the lane, its path guided by a mix of weak arms and luck. However, instead of hitting the pins, the ball veered off course and landed in the gutter, scoring zero points.

Disappointed but determined to make a better attempt, I took another shot. This time, I adjusted my aim and released the ball with a bit more force. As it rolled down the lane, I held my breath in anticipation. However, my aim was still off, and the ball veered off course once again, landing in the gutter with a disappointing thud. I let out a sigh of frustration, and nervously fiddle with my fingers knowing that my lie was revealed. "Well, if you are practicing every week, you clearly need more practice" Liam said with a light chuckle. "So, what did you come here for, since you obviously don't bowl." I'm so anxious that the sweat on my palms glistens in the poorly lit bowling alley. "I was actually just wondering if you knew of a place I could find Jonan at."

Liam looked at me confused. "Oh? Is that all you needed? Well I'm assuming he would be at his girlfriend's house at this time of day" He said with almost a jealous tone. "But, if you want, I could give you his number."

Liam pulled out his phone and quickly typed in Jonan's number, handing it to me with a warm smile. "Here you go. Just give him a call or text" he said.

Feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness, I thanked Liam for his help and saved Jonan's number in my phone. I couldn't help but wonder what kind of person Jonan was, and what secrets he held that had captured Liam's admiration. With newfound determination, I promised myself that I would reach out to Jonan and uncover the mysteries that lay beneath their friendship.

As I got myself home, I couldn't shake off the curiosity about Jonan. I took a deep breath and picked up my phone, opening the messaging app. After a moment of hesitation, I composed a message to Jonan:

"Hey Jonan it's Amelia. I believe we might know each other from school, and I'm also friends with Liam so I thought we could become acquaintances. Lmk if ur available to talk?"

With a mix of excitement and apprehension, I pressed send and waited for Jonan's response, eagerly anticipating what the future held for our conversation.

After a few minutes, my phone buzzed with a notification. It was a message from Jonan. "Hey Amelia I remember you from school Id love to chat and get to know you better. How bout we meet up for coffee this weekend?" The excitement bubbled within me as I quickly replied, "That sounds great! I'm looking forward to it."

As the days passed, my anticipation grew. The thought of meeting Jonan and unraveling the mysteries of his friendship with Liam consumed my thoughts. Finally, the weekend arrived, and I found myself sitting in a cozy coffee shop, nervously sipping my latte. I kept glancing at the entrance, eagerly awaiting Jonan's arrival. And then, there he was, walking through the door with a warm smile on his face. Our eyes met, and I couldn't wait to reveal the secrets I have so ever been waiting for.

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