Chapter 20

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The room goes silent after that, the gloominess of it all weighing heavily on my shoulders. "I never asked for this," I say quietly, looking down. "Is this what you think of me? A runner? A quitter?"

Vince raises one eyebrow and smiles sideways. "You are allowed to run, that is all. It is just common decency to offer options. I would teach you how to make it through the airport, if that is what you are worried about."

"I don't run," I repeat the claim, nearly in an attempt to convince myself.

"My memory may be failing me...but I swear you did the day I met you, darling. It's alright to acknowledge your nature. You have always been a runner," he smirks, a flicker of sadness showing through his eyes. I don't respond, so he starts to dig into his own meal.

I roll my eyes then, taking my first bite of the delicate pasta in front of me as well, choosing to ignore him for the time being.

"You like it?" He asks after a while of watching me soundlessly dig in. "I made it myself."

"You're joking. You order everything!"

"Not always. You don't live this long and not learn some skills. Especially when I didn't know how to hypnotize when I was new to this whole thing." Vince shrugs. "Besides, that diner only has ten items on their menu. I don't know about you, but I require a little bit more variety."

I lean my head in my hands and lean across the table, humouring him. "Oh, so very fascinating! Please tell me the tale of how you learned to hypnotize."

He scoffs and waves my comment off. "Nice try! No hints until you learn yourself."

My mouth drops open, causing him to laugh all the more. He quickly finishes and stands from the table, holding his hand out to me.

I pause to observe. "What are we doing? Dancing?" I laugh lightly. "Is this the part where I say..." I trail off and smile to myself, "There's no music! How shall we dance?" I fake the innocent old Hollywood accent.

"Don't get into the habit of talking like that. It might drive me insane," he simply warns, grabbing my hand gently before I can refuse.

"Now, why is that, Lord Motte?" I continue with the voice, intentionally mocking him gleefully.

"I should hate to be reminded of Isabelle, the tragic, tragic girl of my past." He brings me assertively close, clasping my waist with one of his hands while he holds mine with his free hand. Our bodies became impossibly close as his intense black eyes stared into mine. "Not when there's a new woman in my life."

My breath catches in my throat. "I hadn't even thought of that. I'm so-"

He chuckles. "Don't be ridiculous. I was joking." He sweeps me into motion, twirling me on the dining room floor magnificently, in a way that exposes grace that I did not know I even had.

I blush and smile faintly while looking away from the powerful Lord. His aura has become simply overwhelming in the last few seconds, taking charge nobly and whisking me off my feet in a way I never once cared for before.

What on earth is wrong with me?

I never even considered myself a romantic, but now, fantasies are coming to light like fireworks in my mind, exploding over and over when I catch sight of him or hear him knock at my door. There is an untameable chemistry between us, one that has likely existed long before my time, whether or not I like it.

I can't control it any more than he can. It's an urge similar to bloodthirst. To let go and reach for what you want, what you are starving for. Why deprive yourself when something stands right in front of you? Guilty pleasure or not, there is pleasure to be felt in the world..and if it is not harming anyone, why hold back?

I'm gleefully feeling not quite myself and bounding around the dance floor with a Vampire-Lord...I can't help but allow a terrible, terrible thought enter my mind on that matter.

Could he be hypnotizing me?

I quickly pull away from Vince as the thought shoves its way into the worrisome depths of my mind. It is nearly as strong as the compulsion to do the opposite.

Vincent frowns as I rip my hands out of his, rejection written all over his face. "What's wrong?"

"I-I uh..." I barely get the words out before his expression darkens.

"Do you want to leave?" Miraculously the ticket is already in his hand, hesitantly extended towards me. "Three days from now and you'll be out of this mess. If that is what you want...but soon enough, if you stick it out with me, we can leave this place. Go wherever you wish to. With my guidance we could have a happy life, even being what we are. No creaky old house. Somewhere new, for us to have a fresh start...or you can do that all on your own."

Words would not come out of my mouth no matter how hard I tried. My feet are begging to flee the situation and run into the safety of my bedroom, but I won't run from this and prove him right. Not when I want to be something different. Has Isabelle - or me - always been this much of a flight risk?

"I don't understand why you're doing this for me. What makes you think I would fall for such a thing?" I find my voice raising itself. "Why should I believe this isn't a trick to trust my loyalty? Won't you just slaughter me once you realize I'm useless to you and don't want to be here?"

Vincent remains unmoving. "I suppose I have realized you can't force love, nor expect it. If I ever have it again, just as I had it with you...or rather, with Isabelle...then that is a gift I have to earn...and if you leave, that is only evidence that I have not earned it."

I shiver and hug myself with my bare arms to settle the nervous goosebumps. "I suppose I have realized that I have nowhere else to go."

"And that's fine." He jerks his hand back down in disappointment. "If that's the reason you choose to remain here, so be it, but I would hate for that to be the only reason you stay with me. Especially not forever."

His intense gaze intimidates me immensely, sending more chills down my spine. It's enough to propel a spark of truth out of me."I...suppose...I do want to stay with you for more than that one reason."

He calmly absorbs my words, observing me for any signs of ingenuity as I go through with my confession. "Hmm...Why else then?"

I inhale through my anxiety, mentally trying to prepare my answer. This goes on for too long, however. The end of his patience runs out as he abruptly shakes his head, ending all hope of holding off any longer.

"This has gone on for long enough, don't you think?" He mumbles. For a mere second I assume he's lost his temper for the last time but it wasn't long before I was proven mistaken.

He reaches out his hand and grasps my wrist, gently bringing me forward within close proximity of him, his breath brushing against my cheek. I let out a gasp of surprise but I make no effort to fight him.

His forehead pressed against mine as he held me close to him. Equal passion and affection flooding through my chest at the gesture. "For whatever God-forsaken reason you are staying, why fight this?"

The Bride of Lord Motte - Version 2 (Rewrite) Where stories live. Discover now