Drake and Future

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It was a Christmas eve and upon returning home from the studio, Drake had realized something.

He had no Christmas songs! No Christmas songs at all! He would have to cook up some Christmas songs soon or else it'd be too late, and Christmas would already be over.

Upon more thinking, Drake wanted to make a collab Christmas song, but he didn't know who to collab with. 

Maybe he could collab with Future? He'd made a collab album with him before and it'd been a while since he last collaborated with him.

He decided to call up Future to see if he would collab with him. He ringed his phone but he didn't answer, and it went to voicemail. He left a message.

"Hey Future, it's me, Aubrey. Wanted to reach out to you cause I wanted to cook up a lil' lil' sum for Christmas and I thought you might wanna get in on this. If so, meet me up at the crib."

Drake put down the phone and put on his favorite show, Code Geass, to pass the time.


*Ding dong*

Drake heard the doorbell ring. He gleefully skipped over to the door and in a singsong fashion said, "Whoooo issss itttt?"

Future replied, "Future. Future Cool."

The atmosphere went silent. Drake stood there processing it in his head. Suddenly, he realized he must've accidentally called Future Cool instead of Future, the rapper! But seeing as he made it all this way, he wasn't about to refuse him. So, Drake opened the door and sure enough it was Future Cool. 

Future Cool (Future for short) spoke, and said, "I heard your message and came, Aubrey, let's get to cookin' good lookin'."

Drake saw a determination in his eyes and thought to himself, oh well, it couldn't hurt.

Drake said, "Alright, let's head to the studio."

They entered the studio and something came over Future, everything was coming together. It was as if he had become Father Christmas himself.

As soon as Drake and Future got in front of the mics, they knew they were about to cook.

And cook they did. 

The Christmas song they made was like no other and upon adding the final touches, Future and Drake looked at each other and realized that they had made something truly amazing.

The song, simply titled "December" would go on to debut on the top 100 billboard at number one for 23 consecutive weeks, breaking the world record and being the longest a song has ever debuted at number one. It would also go on to win Song of the Year in the Grammy's 2 years in a row, something never done before.

This would be the first of many collabs to come for the legendary Drake and Future Cool duo.

The End.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2023 ⏰

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