Chapter 3

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first off, sorry about the two week wait.. writers block ://

so since this chapter takes place at a party where music and dancing are involved, I wrote the songs that are played and when they are played. enjoy:)


1. Moondance - Michael Bublé

2. Give Me Love - Ed Sheeran


Caroline stepped into the courtyard, the smell of sweat, desperation, and blood evading her senses. When Marcel had mentioned "accommodating to vampire needs", she never imagined how outlandish the circumstances would be.

Surprising to Caroline, instead of vampires working the bar, there were humans. They were slitting their own palms, letting the blood deluge into shot glasses already filled with liquor.

Engrossed in the festivities that Marcel had provided, she didn't even realize him approach her. "I see you made it." Marcel observed, stepping back to get a good look at her, "and don't you look... captivating."

"I was going for sexy, but that works." Caroline replied crossing her arms over her chest with a smirk. She did in fact look sexy, thought Marcel. In her white v-neck, black leather skinny jeans, and black leather jacket, there wasn't a head in the room that didn't turn at the sight of her.

Marcel just grinned, nodding his head towards the dance floor, "Wanna dance?" Caroline's gaze followed, seeing many people swinging to the customary music of New Orleans, jazz.

"I thought you'd never ask." Caroline replied, accepting the hand Marcel offered.

song 1

He lead her to the very middle of the dance floor, pulling her in and dipping her. She giggled with pure sincerity as he pulled her back up and spun her out, spinning her back in again. One hand around her waist and the other clutching her hand. Nothing about it was intimate, it was purely fun and exciting. The way the music and earlier blood coursed through her veins was pure elation to her soul.

As the song came to a close, and turned to one of slow tempo, Marcel released her for one final spin. Instead of finding herself being pulled back into Marcel and meeting his brown eyes, it was a pair of familiar blue eyes she found herself staring into.

song 2

"Hello love," Klaus spoke in his delectable accent. Caroline's breath had picked up. She quickly composed it, but not brief enough for Klaus to ignore.

Contrast to the way Marcel and her danced, this was extremely more sensual. Klaus' arm was wrapped all the way around her waist, making them very close in proximity. Their other hands gripped beside her head, which was placed upon his shoulder.

Attempting to free herself slightly from his grasp, she managed to raise and turn her head to try and spot Marcel in the throng of people. "Where d-"

"Oh don't worry love, he's taken care of." Klaus whispered in her ear.

Caroline turned back towards him, rolling her eyes in the process. "I'm guessing Rebekah filled you in on our little chat." She said, averting her gaze to anywhere but his eyes.

"Yes." Klaus stated firmly. With slight hesitation, he continued, "So you're just here to, what exactly? Run around rampant and humanity-less in what so happens to be the city that I now occupy?" He inquired.

She turned to look at him with an expression of disbelief, Caroline replied with a scoff, "You think this is my cry for help?" She just shook her head, resuming to sway to the music.

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