
13 2 2

Through the glass pane that separates me from the rest of the world
Autumn hues swirl around
Like red and orange paint
In flowers, leaves and trees.
And then, I see you.
A silhouette of warmth,
Dripping with sweet honey,
Blending into the orange and the red.
You really were always just so sweet, weren't you?
The sweet you craved on harsh days,
Days that dulled into a monochrome spectacle of just work, work, work.
Days that made you feel that you were not human,
Capable of happiness, feeling, and thought.
Days that made you feel less whole.
But perhaps it was just the textures of the leaves,
The lines that twisted and turned to shape your figure,
For a blink was all it took
For your existence to burn away
Back again into the ether.
And the leaves seemed to dull again,
Their paint washed out,
Pouring away with the sun's bright yellow and the sky's gentle blue,
Leaving the world feeling,
A little more empty.


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