Heeyyaa..!!here's the another partt of the storyyy..pleasee lemee know how was itt..
TEJASWI'S POV ~It was the next morning..I got up ..got fresh nd went downstairs..nd saw a not pleasent scene..anshika nd Karan were doing couple dance..now what about him..he will not think of my feelings now....i went nd sat besides meenu dii..
RK ~ " sunnyy..."
KK ~ " yeess"
RK ~ " is anshika is ur fiance" he said nd I looked down..fuckk
KK ~ " huh...no whyy"
RK ~ " thn why are uh dancing with her..I am noticing uh from two days what the fuck is wrong with uh"
KK ~ " please..Raj don't lecture meh..I know what the hell I am doing..nd nobody is my fiance here..I am just dancing with my friend..let meh please..I am mature enough to decided what I am doing" he said nd leftt ..
"Nobody is my fiance heree"
"Nobody is my fiance heree"
"Nobody is my fiance heree""These lines were roaming in my head like hell..i just wanted to ran away from heree.. I didn't wanted to see his facee..I was sitting silently..when Rohit called to meet him..I agreed..."
TP ~ " mumma..I am going to meet Rohit..i will come by evening"
TM ~ " Okie..go carefully"
KM ~ " bachee.. invite him for the wedding also hmm..nd don't go alone sunny will drop uh"Karan looked at meh..he was about to say something..
TP ~ " noo...muumaa I am fine..I can go alone ..I am not a child anymore..I don't need anybody"I said nd went outt..i already booked a cab..nd thn the cab came ...nd i reached the place where I supposed to meet rohittt..i went Inside the cafe..he was already there ...
Rohit ~ " hiie baby doll"
TP ~ " hiie..Ro.."
Rohit ~ " so miss beautiful why are uh looking dull.."
TP ~ " nothing..just didnt had an good sleep"
Rohit ~ " sweetheart..uhh are lying to meh.."
TP ~ " huhh..Ro..okiee.. actually Karan is my fiance and"
Rohit ~ " waitt..whatt the fuck dude"he litteraly scremmed..
TP ~ "Ro..why the hell uh are shouting"
Rohit ~ " that boyy litteraly snatched my chanche..but anyways..I am happy for uh..he is a great man..so what's the prblm.."
TP ~ " actually.." thn i told everything to him..
Rohit ~ " woah..so it is like this..but teju on a point...uh should talk to him about it right..uh can't just not broke ur relation coz of any random gurl"
TP ~ " but Ro..he can all understand my point of view..I am hurt..I am not saying to him that don't talk to that gurl..talk to her..but maintain a good distance ..he really sometimes made this very awkward..nd i don't know what..he is wrong heree totally..nd he is not understanding thatt.. sometime i feel like he is forced to be with mehh" I said nd cover my face with my hands..
Rohit ~ " Tejuu..uh are overthinking bacha ladai har relationship meh hoti h chahe voh dosti ke ho ya phir pyarr I know he is wrong he sould not behave like this..tu apna space leh..todha time iske bare meh soch nd thn karann se batt kr hmm..but please don't overthink" i nooded..
Rohit ~ " okayy...very emotional..ndd I don't want to see uh like an tuta ashiq so lets have funn" i laughed ..nd hit him lightly..Nd thn we two started talking randomly of all the world..nd time passed so fast..it's almost evening..nd now we are leaving..I had fun with him Always.. whenever i meet him...thn I said byye to him..nd i don't wanaa go hotel ..so decided to go on beach..i went nd sat there...after so many days I am feeling relaxed..water makes meh calm instantly..

FanfictionHeyaaa..!!! here's the storyyy onn myy Precious cutieesss..🫶🏻❤️✨I hope uh'all like ittt..✨