Blood, Sweat and Tears

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"I am going to save them" Ben said.

"What?!" Said James and John, widening their eyes in shock.

Ben ran up the stairwell, John tries to grab his arm but misses.

"Benjamin Joshua Moore, get back down here!" John yelled out.

"Well I have to save these people, Johnathan James Williams." Ben continues to run up.

"No!" John yelps

The time is 9:57:59 AM.

The two sit there in silence for a minute thinking it was going to be a fun day to the worst day of their lives.

Rumbling and Glass breaking is heard.

The two run with some firefighters

"The second *huff* tower is *huff* collapsing!" Said one of the firefighters.

They all run out.

"If it was the other tower that fell, why do we need to run?" Questioned James.

"The two towers are connected through a mall so debris would fly through to us." John said while still running.

"Is that N.J. Burkett?" Asked John.

"Get in the car!" Yelled John and they both get in their parked car.

Dust can be seen from all windows.

The car revs off to the other side instead facing the only tower left, the North Tower.

They walked out the dust and saw some people

"The second tower fully collapsed." Said John

"Oh my gosh!"

"The People!"

"Lord have mercy!" Replied the people.

They kept doing small talk

Ben's POV

Debris covered the door and stairwell while he was trying to get people out.

"Oh no!" Exclaimed Ben.
He dialed 911 and talked to the fire department. The line connects.

"Hello?" Said Ben

"This is 911, what's your emergency?" Replied the dispatcher.

"I'm trapped in World Trade Center One, Floor 87! It's really hot in here, a lot of smoke, I need help!" Yelled Ben

"Who is with you?" Asked the dispatcher

"Adam Jones and his brother Ken Jones" replied Ben.

"Got it, who's office are you in and what is your name?" Replied the dispatcher with another question.

"My name is Benjamin Moore, I am in um...Martin! Martin Washington's office! What time is it and side note the ceiling is Charcoal Black!"

"Firefighters are on their way, stay with me." Said the Dispatcher.

"They need to come fast!" Replied Ben in a angry but exhausted tone.

"Part of the antenna sunk- OH NO, HELP-" The line cuts off.

James and John's POV

"Ok so that's how we- Run!" Yelled John

Everyone ran again as the second tower had fallen.

John and James ran as fast as they can and started huffing and puffing.

The dust catches up to them so they put their shirts over their face.

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