Chapter One

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I laughed as Euphrasia messed around with a yak. We were on a mountain. she picked it up with her wind, then placed it down again, the yak tried to run away but she grabbed it again and put it up higher.

"Ok, ok, let's put it back." I sighed, smiling. Euphrasia had grown. It had been a few years. She was at least thirteen or fifteen. Lots of stuff had happened in Ninjago. We stayed hidden in our little cave.

"Aw, come on, let's have some fun!" She groaned. I smiled mischievously and floated over to the goat and possessed it. It was weird. The brain of the goat was different from a humans' brain.

More alert, more nervous. I hopped down the mountain and over to Euphrasia and bleated.

She doubled over and laughed, I let my presence leave the yak and I was laughing my own head off.

"You were a yak!" She said in-between laughs. I leaned on her, laughing.

Then we stared at each other. I looked back at the yak, and stood up. It gave me a glare and hopped away. I burst out laughing.

"You must be the funniest master anyone's ever had." Euphrasia sighed as we headed back to the cave, the fast way, using the wind.

"I'm not your master, how many times do I have to tell you?" I sighed as I pet Breeze on our way in.

"Right, right. But you're still teaching me how to master wind."

"You haven't lost your sassiness, and I'm teaching you because you need it."

"And you have nowhere else to go." I stiffened and threw a pot at her. Instantly regretting it.

She stopped it, right in front of her face, then let it fall to the ground. She looked sympathetic, "sorry-"

"No, no. Don't apologize. I threw the pot." I rushed, sitting down, sighing, rubbing my forehead.

"But I…"

"No. You didn't do anything. I could've stopped myself from throwing it. But I let myself do it." I shuffled so I was looking at the rocky wall.

I didn't really feel it, but Euphrasia put her hand on my shoulder and sat down by me. I looked at her hand and put mine on hers, sighing, wishing I could feel it. I looked away, bringing my hand with me.

I heard her sigh and my shoulders sagged.

"Well, you're always welcome here and I'm calling you my master no matter what."

"I don't deserve the title though!" I protested.

"Well…. You deserve the title of being my friend." She said, and I looked at her, she was smiling.

"And you are… my friend." I struggled to say the words, looking at the ground.

"I'm honored."

"I've told you my whole past. And you don't… feel threatened?" I sighed.

"Well… I was a little hesitant. But these past few years? I've never had a friend like you, well to think about it, I've never had a friend."

I heard a protesting rumble come from the entrance of the cave.

"I'm talking about human friends, Breeze!" She huffed.

".... I never did either, because I thought I was better than everyone." I sighed.

"Thought? As in past tense?" She smirked.

"Well…. I guess you changed me a bit." I smiled as I stood up, her hand going through me. It was a little weird, but I was used to it.

"I'm going to go-" I heard a thunder crack. I sighed, "nevermind."

Euphrasia laughed, "you're stuck with me."

"I have been stuck with you for a few years!" I laughed. Then the sudden realization came to my head. "I'm not annoying, am I?" I said softly, facing her.

"Annoying?" She put a hand to her chest, as if she was offended. "Of course you are!"

"Are you joking or-"

"By the First Spinjitzu Master, of course you're not annoying!" She said strongly, "you're amazing!"

I smiled but still was unsure. I bit my lip and looked away. "I don't know."

"Oh my gosh, Morro! You're amazing, you're my best friend!"

I felt fuzzy. "we're best friends?" I looked back.

"Yeah, yeah we are." She walked up to me and we hugged. I could almost feel it. Then I lost concentration and fell through her.

"I'm, I'm Sorry." I stuttered, pulling away.

"Oh, no worries!" She laughed. I smiled. Friends, I thought, no, best friends. I smiled again, “I wouldn't want it to be any other way.”

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2023 ⏰

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