10~ Lets Get Married

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Author's Pov,


He announced snapping her out of her frozen state.

She struggled to get out of his hold, but he tightened it more paralyzing her action.

His smell was something she knew but his voice was so deep and scary not like the person she expected him to be.

"Don't do this with me, love, I will die, I got you after so much time, And I can't let you go now, You Know naa You are mine, Anu."

Her heart loudly thumped in her ribcage, Who was he? The question was raised in her mind and she opened her mouth to shout but his large palm was pressed against her lips, suppressing her yell.

She tried to thrash her legs trying to kick any person around to ask for help but he tangled her legs so brutally, leaving no option for her.

"Do you know how much I love you, I never touched a single girl in the thirty-six years of my life, heck I didn't even glance at them, there is no one comparable to you, you are something I can never describe in words, Aapke pairo ki dhul bhi Aazeez hai hamare liye."

His cold lips touched her slender neck making the tears spill out of her eyes.

Would he rape her?

The thought slapped her hard on her face and her body trembled violently.

His breaths fell on her neck erupting goosebumps on her soft skin and making her shiver into his arms.

Her eyes widened when his rough hand tightened around her naked waist, and she felt helpless to accept it without her will.

"I Waited, Waited So much without losing hope, It was painful, too painful that I wanted to kill myself to lessen that unpleasant ache but the hope of seeing you kept me alive and Now when I am holding you in my arms, everything feels so sweet."

She was hearing his words, and she knew he wasn't lying, she was able to feel the pain behind his words, those words were expressing he suffered but she wasn't the person for whom he was searching.

She tried to speak but his next words terrorized her to the core, and her heartbeat accelerated.

"It All happened because of that fucker Aashish Trivedi, I will slit his throat with my own fucking hand, I promise."

He was talking about her father.

She understood he was there for her, ONLY, she increased her struggles and tried to come out of his hold but he was grasping her so tightly that if he loosened his hold she would flee away and he wasn't wrong though.

She wanted to get out of his hold anyhow, she lifted her cold hands and tried to remove his palm from her mouth but it was almost impossible in front of his inhuman strength.

"This longing ends here, My love proved how strong it was, I suffered too much only to hold you like this my love, and now there is no way I would let you go this time, you are Mine, Only mine."

His words sent chills down her spine making her shudder in dread.

"I can't wait anymore to touch you, feel you, kiss you, make you mine forever, I am dying to be inside you, to become a part of you, just let me make you mine with your will or without will."

"I don't know what method I have to use, I had shed enough blood for you, shedding more won't hurt me, if you are mine the whole world is mine."

His words were filled with promise, He was capable of doing it and she took him for granted, of course, Ardhansh Singhaniya taught her, that in this world of humans, Animals like him still exist and this man was no different.

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