Chapter 15

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I felt him taking a step away from me and a few seconds later the lights of the room were switched on.

"Are you okay?" Aditya asked. And I don't know how to react because this is the first time he asked me something that is related to me and not the family members. Moreover I don't know why is he asking me that. Is it because he left me alone that night? Or because he got to know that I had a stalker? His voice is calmed and collected but his eyes are like they are hiding something.

Am I reading too much again? I think I am. There is no way he would care for me.

"You didn't tell anyone about the stalker and the about what you used to do?" He asked me with a soft tone that he has never used with me before.

"It was not necessary what's done is done you can't change it right" I said looking at my feet.

"It's Rohit isn't it?" He asked and eyes widened and I looked at him. How did he even managed to know that? Did Baba told him or what?

"It's very evident from the way he talks to you."

I never imagined he would notice that specially when it is related to me. But he did, he noticed.

"You can take your time but whenever you want to talk about it you can come to me" he said. This feels like heaven.

I nodded at him and he started to leave the room. I wanted to ask him where is he going, he said "just because I am being nice to you doesn't mean that I have accepted you as my wife. I would have said these to any other woman who was going through something like that so don't feel special about this" then he left.

My heart broke yet another time just like the first night of our marriage. The books in my hands felt like a mountain. What was I even thinking? Him giving me the care he would give to his wife. It's just a dream for now. He has not changed and I don't think he would change.

Sighing I put the books in the bookshelf. Just then I got a call from Kanvi.

She told me that she would visit me tomorrow because she wants to know what exactly happened today and something related to Kashvi too.

After the phone call I changed into my pajamas. And tried to sleep hoping that Rohit won't show up again for a while.


The next day after everyone went to work, me Maa and Chachi were the only ones left in the house. After some time even Maa and Chachi left for the Shiv mandir near our house.

Just after both of them left I closed the door and went to the hall. I was sitting at the couch when I got a text saying

"You and your husband don't seem close enough is there a third person in between, is it me?"

It was enough to made my blood cold. Don't tell me he is coming over here.

Just then the bell rang. One of our house helper went to open the door and I was praying that there is someone else behind the door and not him.

The helper opened the door and it was Kanvi and Kashvi and a sigh of relief left from my mouth. When Kashvi saw me she came running towards me and hugged my knees.

I picked her up in my arms and gave her a kiss on both the cheeks. "I missed you Maasi" she said and pouted her lips.

"I missed you too Kashu" I said and pecked her forehead.

"No you didn't. You never came to visit me" she accused me. Well I have been a little busy after getting married so. I know it's just a petty reason but what can I do.

"I am sorry. How about I spend the whole day with you?" I asked her and she nodded smiling ear to ear.

"She said she wants to leave me and stay here with you" Kanvi said shaking her head which made me chuckle.

After a few hours of running from here to there. Kashvi finally fell asleep.

"So what happened last night, I know that everyone got to know that you were an author and you had a stalker because Aditya's lawyer's brother is your fan. But what actually happened?" Kanvi asked.

I told her everything that happened how Rohit is also Naina's brother, how they have a really good bonding with the Raghuwanshi family and Aditya knows that Rohit is the one.

I even told her all the things that had happened between me and Aditya including the moment we had a week ago.

"So if he has a close relationship with this family then he can come here whenever he wants right?" She asked me and I nodded my head.

"But as far as I remember they were not present at your wedding right?" I nodded again.

"For now I would say just be careful and leave the thoughts of yours at the back of your mind, because won't let you get harmed. So he will protect you until I come back and Advik and Ashutosh are also here so don't worry" she said.

"What do you mean by until you come back? Where are you going? And what about Kashvi Baba isn't here where would she go?" I asked her.

"Well I was thinking if you could take care of her. I need to go to Mumbai for my upcoming exhibition and you know Kaku isn't here so..."

"That's great actually if Kashvi would be here then I won't be stressed" I said and looked at Kashvi who is now rubbing her eyes, waking up from her little nap.

Just then Maa and Chachi returned home. I asked Maa if Kashvi could stay with us for a few days and she said it would be great to have a kid in the house. She would make the house cheerful.

Kanvi left after a few minutes giving me a bag containing all the essentials of Kashvi.


It was 8 o' clock when the men came back. Seeing Aditya Kashvi ran towards him and he picked her up in his arms.

"How are you princess?" he asked.

"I am good Mesu. But I missed you alot. You promised that you will come to play with me but you didn't" she complained pouting her lips. This girl really loves to pout.

"I am sorry princess, tell me what can I do to make it up?" He asked her.

Everyone was looking at them like they have seen a cute father and daughter duo including me. Aditya love kids that I know and it is very evident right now. He treats Kashvi like his own daughter. I wish someday he could talk to our daughter like this.

"Mesu" Kashvi called out.

"Yes princess"

"Can I sleep with you and Maasi?"

"Ofcourse princess" Aditya said lightly pinching Kashvi's cheeks.

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Thanks a lot for reading my work.

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