The truth

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My dumb self then proceeded to say the following to Alex :
Alex, I would love to be in a relationship with you. I know your straight but you never truley know till you try right? And I know maybe even if you did like girls you wouldn't like want a serious relationship right now cause they can be scary. But I think you and I could make it. And I'm sorry if this ruins us.
The response I got changed me forever.
She replied,
Cris Cris , (that's what she called me)
I kind of have a crush on someone right now. And idk if I should tell you about it. But I love them very much Cris. You know who it is?
After feeling like I'd been shot I replied with :
Ummm that clarinet kid in band?
Alex: Nope its you. I'm just scared to be in a relationship.
I was completley over come with joy. I may or may not have danced around my kitchen, sprayed whip cream right in my mouth, (regardless that my mom told me not to) and did a happy dance around the house.
In all this dancing and happy I had forgotten to reply to her. Oops.
I responded with : OMG REALLY!!?? How long have you liked me?
So as it turns out she has liked me for the majority of this year. And she never said a word. It's funny how you can walk amongst a group of people and have a deep yearning for someone and never say a word and they have the same feelings for you. While I was on this subject I was thinking about what would have happened if I had never said a word to her. She never would've said anything to me that's for sure.
So what wouldve happened?
I have no idea. But what did happen was magical.

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