2: Who signature is this?

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Even though I was really disappointed about what had happened with my mom yesterday. You know what she didn't even come home last night, I was worried sick about her but I knew she wasn't worried about me. I told my friend what happened and she told me that I should come spend the night with her. I thinked hard and then finally said okay.

When I got to school I gave my teacher the basketball permission form.

"Who signature is this Miss Diamond Cooper" Mrs.parker asked me.

"Ummm," I said I stammered. "My Father's signature," I said even though my father had passed away two years ago. Before he died I promised him I would persue my dreams and someday try to make it to the WBA. Even though he was dead I only signed his name because my mom didn't care enough to sign the paper. Only thing she cared about was other men and everybody else but me. I really felt left out by her my own mom didn't give a care about me.

"Mmhhhmmm Miss Diamond"
Mrs. Parker told me.

"Mame?" I said.

" Well speaking that you stay with your mom and she didn't sign it, so where does this Mr. Martin even stay or live. Aka known as your dad" Mrs. Parker said doing the two hand shuffle.

" Ummmm" I said shyly. " Well to be honest my dad lives in Albany and yesterday my mom took me to him and I told him about basketball camp and he told me that it was awesome that I could go to the camp. So then after I told him about that he asked me did I have the paper with me, I told him yeah and then he signed it." I lied.

" Mhmmm Diamond really? That's what exactly happened" She said sarcastically.

" B-but," I said.

" No if's ands nor buts Diamond if you don't get a real signature by tomorrow you will not be going to basketball camp and no expectations Miss Priss!" She told me. By the way I hated when teachers or anyone called me " Miss Priss". When someone told me that I just want to scream because who is Miss priss anyway. Im 17 years old and that is so elementry school. These teachers really need to grow up. Also how did Mrs. Parker find out that , that was a fake signature that I put down. I told my best friend about this foolishness and she told me to let her mom sign it and then if Mrs. Parker says something about it she can just call her mom to make sure I wasn't lying.

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