First Act: At Last, Silence.

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At last, Silence.

Breathing. Panting. Yours. Silence. You look around. No one, not even an insurgent. Not even a blinded. Cold. Tired. Your muscles ache up. The city is an endless déjà vu maze of buildings and low-lying houses. You tried so hard to not be seen, slinking behind shadows. Covering your ears whenever those chants came about. Breathe. You concentrate on your hearing. The rhythmic shower of the rain muddles the silence bore by the leftover buildings. You wonder if anyone still breathes here; as for the rest.

You slowly walk on the wrecked train tracks. Silently, to not break the rhythm of the rain around. Nature seemed to reclaim what was once hers. The grass engulfs what was once a wonder of steel and mechanics, vines crawling what was once full walls. You look around to see a wet, broken series of two-story buildings. You cannot stay in the open. You dart your eyes around to find somewhere to stay for the night. While the once pillar of peace might have been a good place to rest, the war has paid a toll on its once glory, so you went the other way. Scanning, most of the houses and buildings you see either have a hole in their roof or are too damaged to safely stay. The eerie rhythm of the rain makes it harder for you to...

You're being watched.

You dart behind you but all you see is the sheet of water falling from the sky and a few scalded and exploded cars in the middle of the road. No one. But you felt it. Was it above the roofs or was it around the corner or was it on the judiciary building? Is it the cold setting shivers down? Did they know you are here? No, surely not. And yet you hear them again. Or was it a memory? You surveyed every building, trying to gauge where you could gather your senses. You've gone this far. You cannot let them take you. You cannot let them make you their own. The chants are growing louder, you thought. Or was it just exhaustion fiddling with your brain? Panic rushes into your body, looking at the buildings. Were you running this entire time or did the rain just pour heavier? As soon as your eyes register a house that you could stay in dry, you do not hesitate to grab the door, pull yourself in, and greet the darkness with the utmost welcome.

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