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I don't know why my tiny human is still asleep. I've tried poking at him to wake up because i'm bored! And he needs to wake up and play with me!

He's really good at catch and running and everything else I like to do, but that's only happening if he WAKES UP!

I'm really bored. I think I'm going to go run around looking for the invisible butterflies, it's always so hard. Probably because they're invisible. 

OH LOOK! TINY HUMAN! He's awake!!! Finally!!

"TINY HUMAN! TINY HUMAN! COME PLAY WITH ME! We can finally play now that you're awake!" Tiny human isn't saying anything. But he's shaking and crying...."tiny human? are you okay?" I try to cheer him up by licking the tears away and nudging my head to his head, but he's still really sad.

I hope my human is okay. 

IM SORRY! Just as an apology I'll give you another chapter tomorrow aswell. Pls enjoy this very late chapter. 

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