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It was barely December yet, and I had moved in with my grandmother at her huge, wrinkled place. She survived almost fine within herself and the silence between her walls until her legs suffered a tumor. They were swelled due to it- her nerves and the size and the shape of her legs, and most definitely resembled the feet of a baby elephant. As a cause of this hideous situation, she needed someone to keep her company, share chats and gossip over tea and lunch, exchange recipes while cooking, and lend a hand into her lifeless home.

And that was precisely why I knocked in. Not that I was very much fond of her company, or her recipes, or her gossips, but I needed a good deal of solace and lose some chaos from my mind. And in that instance, I couldn't think of any calmer place than this old lady's chambers.

At first sight, I was struck with a mix of solemnity, creepiness and lavishness of this place. Surely, the sands of time had stained their grace upon it. The coarse little dark spots by the eyes of these building (windows) seemed as if it had been still and awake for almost more than a decade- Soiled and frozen in the greater time.

Some thick many strips of dark also ran down these eyes, which resembled to me her tears, and perhaps this had to dawn, so that the show of her whining and crying and longing for her crumbled glory shall come clear.

What it has been said is verily true. Time and age spares none. And it hasn't spared my grandmother as well. Wrinkles dangling as cobwebs through her eyes and her sagged neck and spine gave her a horrible shape. The thickness of her neck-fat had grown back, and sincethen, it had been never loosened, but it naturally just hung down her chin like that-Dried and slumped through time. And Considering her newly done surgery, her horrible shape proved to be much of an awful state, as she couldn't walk normal anymore. She could neither climb upstairs nor walk more simply but dawdle or hop around the entire screaming house.

"Doesn't it hurt you so?"
I asked watching her dawdle,

"It doess, but what use a woman be of,
if she won't workk?"

"Well, you're alone now, who are you working for? leave it. Just enjoy the warmth of your bed. You truly need it now! "

"Didd your fatherr ever say this to your momm?"

"Yup many times, I said with a nod of confidence.

"And did your fatherr doo the rest of her chores?"

"Uh-no" and it crumbled, the confidence. I fell into deep contemplation, not that I had an answer in my mind like yes! Or no! but because many a times, I had heard him say that but never had I seen him touch a thing from the kitchen. My mother had to walk in over her aching body, and attend to her chores. And whenever me or father fell ill, we'd never get out of our blankets. This got me thinking very deeply, and while the process, I peered into the colourful glass windows which were fitted on top of the air-tight doors. Although airtight, they weren't ordinary, they had some classical design on them, sort of a lion dancing over a crowd of bonfire among many people, and it was put blockwise one after the other. Yellow and red and green and blue. Perhaps, they intended to keep the sunlight out of the doors which guarded the lady from any greater noise or dusty shaft.

"Why does it take you so much time?" She asked with a smirk on her face,

she almost felt like a ghost when she laughed through her wrinkled face, and if taken a picture deepat night, it wouldn't look more realistic.

"No- It's just, uh-"

"Ahah then don't bug me and go sprawl to your room."

I looked the last time in her eyes with disapproval and started climbing up to my room. Along my way up, I kept staring at the windows and Doors that transmitted no sound from either spaces, and spared the liver at its peace.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2023 ⏰

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