Seven reasons Why...I love My best friends

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     My best friends mean the world to me, so here are the seven reasons why I love them...

     The seventh reason why I love my best friends would be because they share food. For example Let's say Around lunch time, one of them takes out a bag a chips all I need to do is put my hand out and they give me some, but sometimes they like to be stingy.

     The six reason why I love my best friends would be because we can talk for hours about anything. This would be because Once my friends says something the conversation keeps going and It won't stop, unless the bell rings signalling lunch is over.

     The fifth reason why I love my best friends,Would definitely be the laughs we had and Let me tell you...we had a lot. We laughed for the most craziest of things...but those crazy things are What gets me through the day.

     The fourth reason why I love my best friends would be because they now how to cheer me up. They now exactly what to say to put a smile on my face even though it's sometimes disturbing and puts a confused look on my face. Even though all they need to do is laugh since their Laughs are hilarious.

     The Third reason why I love my best friends would be because they bring out my fun side. The one thing that never often showed since I was always A shy person, but once I met them they completely changed me... for the better Of course, but I secretly know they want the old me back, atleast that's what I think they want.

     The second reason why I love my Best friends would be their trust. I can trust them with anything and I know the words I say won't leave the round table.

     The First and Number one reason why I love my best friends would be because I can be myself. Every were else I pretend to be something I'm not, I never show the real me, but around them I do and they don't judge me for who I really am.

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