Tom Riddle/Harry Potter

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Title: Curfew Violations
Found: A03
Author: Ravenslith_FledglingMoon
Description: When Harry started his freshman year at Hogwarts High, he was the new kid in town. And as such, with no social life to speak of, he had no problem getting home after school right on the dot. Thus negating the need for any sort of actual imposed curfew; it simply wasn't necessary.

All was well for about a month before Harry blipped on -his- radar.

Enter Tom Riddle—junior upperclassman, top athlete, and every teacher's metaphorical academic wet dream, with superior height advantage and perfect hair to boot.

Harry had been minding his own, content to enjoy the inauspicious beginning of his high school career until they just so happened to cross paths, in the abandoned storage room on the 7th floor corridor (because Hogwarts was stupid big and Harry had been looking for a quiet corner in which to relax and otherwise de-stress, not held in another smoke filled boys bathroom).

Who knew Tom had a thing for short, messy haired, emerald eyed, deliciously fresh meat?

Rating: Explicit
Status: complete
Words: 238866

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