Chapter 39

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He opened the door wider and closed it behind me

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He opened the door wider and closed it behind me. I made my way to the kitchen and dropped the food on the island. The house, like I expected, was empty, his father who knows where. I unwrapped the bag I brought the food in and slid the plate into the microwave.

When the timer was done, I served it to him. Steam rises from the hot chicken parmesan pasta. "Thanks," Reid said, grabbing a fork and digging in.

I took a seat on the chair beside him. I bit my lip, my hands gripping my knees. The air was awkward and tense. I had no idea what to do or say the break it. "I'm going back home on Sunday," I blurted.

Reid stopped eating, his eyes flicking up to mine. I looked down to the floor, the news hitting me for the second time today. He swallowed, stood from his seat, and walked in the direction of the stairs, rounding the corner. My mouth parted slightly in shock. Did he have nothing to say? Did he even care? Maybe it was over between us.

Feeling like a dog with my tail tucked in between my legs I made my way to the door. Just as the door pulled open it was slammed shut by a force from behind me. I turned around, my breath heavy.

"Where are you going?" Reid's hazel eyes bore down into mine. They scanned the expression on my face and softened.

"I-I thought you were done with me," my bottom lip trembled. My heart banged in my chest, the feeling of uselessness coursing through it. I knew I couldn't withstand the pain of losing him. It felt like there was a ticking time bomb in our relationship.

"Why would you think that?" He raised a brow, his hand on the door above my head and his tall figure leaned into me.

"You didn't say anything when I told you I was going home. You just got up and walked away, what was I supposed to think?" I fought to hold back tears.

His hand slid down from the door and reached up to cradle the side of my face. "No baby, I don't want us to be over. I love you too much to let you go." His thumb swiped under my eyes, flicking a tear off my skin. "I'm sorry I made you feel that way," his voice wavered. "It hurts to think of you going and not being here with me. I just didn't want you to see me cry," the corner of his lips twitched.

A sob racked through me, my small fist weakly hitting him in the chest. "You scared the shit out of me," I groaned, leaning my back against the door.

"I don't want you to go either," he whispered in the small space between us. His forehead touched mine, our breaths mingling with each other. I tilted my head up, our lips inches apart.

Suddenly our mouths latched onto each other, moving at a steady pace. Hot tears brimmed my eyes, my back pushed up against the door. Reid's hand dropped from my face to my neck, his cold fingertips brushing past my warm skin.

I groaned into his mouth, pulling him impossibly closer to me. I wrung my arms around Reid's neck and jumped when he tapped the backside of my thighs. His large hands kept a firm grip around me as we turned around, away from the door, and disappeared up the stairs.

His Summer Addiction (Removing on July 30th)Where stories live. Discover now