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•Astilbes are flowers symbolising Patiently waiting for love (source Google)
•I'm a huge Saifah/Chai enthusiast despite how everyone is writing book correct couple. I'm sorry but SaiChai have more chemistry! Go argue the wall!
•If you think you have read this story somewhere else, most probably on twitter - don't worry I'm not plagiarising that twitter thread is also me :) (if you think you read it somewhere else other than Twitter, AO3 and here- lemme know.

Hopefully you enjoy this.


Saifah looked at his brother, who stood motionless staring at the boy in pink hoodie.

"You need to move on, Phi Chaai"

A sad smile adorned Phayu's face as he watched the boy smile brightly, his pale face gaining colour, as he ran into his boyfriend's arms, who had a smile on his face but it disappeared as soon as the boy was in his arms. As if he was doing the boy a favour. The twins watched as the boyfriend pretended to be happy and loving again as the couple sat inside the car and drove off.

Phayu watched the car until it was out of his drive way before he turned to his twin to answer his pending question,

"It becomes a little difficult when I had him in my arms just last night."

"But he doesn't smile like that when he is around you, Yu. I think that should help."

Phayu dry chuckled as he sat on the couch and picked up his neglected coffee.

"I see my Nong Chaai has chosen violence today."

"I just want you to stop hurting Yu. I think you should ..."


Phayu replied even before Saifah could finish his sentence. A deep scowl settled on his face. Saifah sighed deep sigh.

"Phayu how..."

"I said NO Saifah!"

"Really? How long are going be the messiah in Rain's life when he clearly cannot see the truth?"

"And what? Let his so called love of life gamble him away in the next race? See him being dragged away by those spoilt assholes who'll view him as nothing but mere victory, an object! They will destroy him, Saifah!"

"Phayu, for Rain you are the one who is using him, who sees him as nothing but as a sex toy. The one who is forcing his boyfriend to gamble Rain away. Phayu, for Rain you are the very asshole."

Phayu's jaw clenched as he placed the coffee mug back to the table rather loudly.

"I'll be the Devil so that he never meets the Satan."

Saifah shook his head, more frustrated than disappointed in his brother. He could see how much his twin was hurting and the worse part was he knew it would hurt even more in the end. Saifah needed to be stronger so that his ever responsible and strong brother could break in his arms when all of this ends. He looked back at his twin who got busy in cooking like nothing was nagging and hurting him. He sighed again he really needed to talk to his parents about Phayu and this situation, he really couldn't cut short his life with all the sighing.

Phayu had first met Rain at the code-line dinner and had been enchanted by him ever since. The night had went beyond beautiful if Phayu could he got even more mesmerised by Rain. The way he babbled away, his bunny smile, his adorable pout and his carefree laughs everything about Rain had just made Phayu fall even harder for him. But it had short lived, when Phayu had started flirting with Rain, Rain had polity rejected all his advances and had told him about his long term boyfriend. Was Phayu sad? terribly but he stopped right then and there may be his first love wasn't supposed to be happily ever after. He was glad that Rain hadn't been uncomfortable around Phayu after that and continued to act normal and himself. Phayu had met Rain handful more times and although every meeting had made a huge impact on Phayu's heart yet Phayu had maintain his decorum, they had mingled nothing more than senior and junior until that fateful night.

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