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My first real night in a new "home" was many things, but definitely not pleasant. I have rarely slept as restlessly in my life as I did that night. I woke up several times that night.

Maybe it was just the unfamiliar surroundings, or the extremely uncomfortable bed.

Of course I was happy to have found a place to sleep at all. Even though I didn't find it, at least not directly, I did become yes, rather invited to sleep here for a few nights.

MyThe room is relatively simple and dark, the walls are completely bare, not a single picture is hanging there. That gave me a very depressing feeling right from the start. In addition, this room is generally not really filled.

Actually there is only one very,very Uncomfortable bed, a wardrobe that you would think would collapse at any second and a few things that I just feel like garbage looks.

But maybe more about my first night in an environment that was completely unfamiliar to me. Several times I simply stood upright Sitting in bed, every noise I could hear around me woke me up from my sleep.

Every sound has mineAngst I was terrified, terrified of being torn out of this house. And that's exactly what I mean, I was afraid all night that I would be found... Found by my family.

And I have that right now, exactly now in their Moment.

I've been sitting on this creaky bed for some time now, hoping that someone will come into the room, just so that I don't feel completely overwhelmed walking through the house alone. But I don't hear a single sound, as if I'm the only person in this house.

With a lot of effort I can now at least stand upright in the room, and now I would actually only have to take four or five steps towards the door and I would be standing in the hallway of the old building.

I stand in front of it, my hand tightly gripping the golden brown door handle, which has become wet over time from my sweat.

On the one hand I feel comfortable in the new surroundings, but on the other... I feel out of place and just lost. I blame myself for having another family with a complete strangerProblem impressed. It's new for me to be accepted at all.

I now walk along the corridor, slightly lit by the sun, which leads towards a staircase. Carefully, so as not to make any noise, I descend the stairs, hoping not to see anyone in the room
to meet the basement.

There was no one there. I breathe a sigh of relief and look around briefly to find an exit outside nearby. With quick steps I go to the door through which I entered the old house yesterday.

The city still wasn't particularly beautiful, still very dark and sad. AlmostLifeless,and this despite the fact that many people are already working, shopping or simply going for a walk.

I must have slept longer because the sun was already at its highest point and gave this dull city a little brightness.

One building caught my complete attention. A fight club. From in there, loud roars could be heard from several meters away.

I went in and looked around in the hope that I might slowly spot a familiar face.Isaiah. Iswas the Boy from yesterday.

"Ah, I was wondering where you were!" The boy came up to me, gave me a hard slap on my shoulder, and grinned at me as he rolled a toothpick between his teeth.

"And Isaiah, how was it?"

Another boy my age comes towards us, completely sweaty, each with a boxing glove in his hand. Finn Shelby.

"Finny, you're getting better!" Smiling, the boy turns to the Shelby boy, whispers something in his ear and looks at him again, grinning broadly.

I just look at the whole thing casually, my eyes prefer to wander through the large hall, I take a closer look at the various fights and I also see a good-looking face.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2023 ⏰

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