Chapter 11: A Quiet Day Together

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It was the morning after Luke and Kayla celebrated with their friends and Kayla was starting to wake up and she was already feeling the effects of all the drinking she did as she could feel the hangover from hell and she put a pillow over her face.

Kayla: oh my head is fucking killing me.

Kayla laid there for a moment or two with the pillow over her face and then she reached out for Luke but she felt nothing but the warm side of the bed where Luke sleeps.

Kayla groaning from her hangover, tries to call out to Luke.

Kayla: where are you baby ?

A few minutes later, and she heard footsteps coming closer to the bedroom and she heard the door open and then she finally heard Luke's voice.

Luke: good morning my drunken sleeping beauty.

Kayla replied with her voice still muffled by the pillow over her face.

Kayla: good morning baby.

Luke: do you think that you can take the pillow from off your beautiful face and sit up in bed ?

Kayla: I'll try baby.

Kayla braced herself, took a deep breath and she threw the pillow across the room and she sat up and covered her face with the bed cover.

Kayla: oh I really shouldn't have sat up that quickly.

Kayla took a few seconds and when she finally opened her eyes, she saw Luke stood there and he was holding a tray with some whole wheat toast with almond butter and topped with sliced banana and a hot cup of coffee and he placed it on Kayla's lap as she sat upright in bed.

Luke: here you go, breakfast perfect for a hangover complete with a nice hot cup of coffee.

Kayla: thank you baby, this looks great.

Luke: I'll just get you a glass of water and some painkillers for you to take afterwards.

Kayla: okay, thanks baby.

Luke made his way downstairs and he grabbed a glass and filled it with water and he grabbed a couple of painkillers from the medicine cupboard and he took them back up to Kayla and when he went back into the bedroom, he placed the glass of water on the bedside table next to her side of the bed with the painkillers and then he went back over to his side of the bed and he got underneath the covers.

Kayla then asked him if he had eaten at all.

Kayla: thank you for making me some breakfast baby, but what about you ? Have you eaten ?

Luke: yeah, I had some eggs and toast while I made your breakfast.

Kayla: okay good.

When she finished eating her breakfast, drank her coffee and then after that, she took the painkillers with the water that Luke brought her and after a short while, Kayla felt well enough to get out of bed and have a shower.

After her shower, she put an oversized shirt and some baggy sweatpants on and she tied her hair up in a messy bun and she made her way downstairs to Luke who was sat on the couch and when she saw him she smiled as she thought to herself about how much she loves him.

Kayla sat down next to Luke and then she gently laid her head on his shoulder and he put his arm around her and he kissed her forehead.

They sat in complete silence for a little bit and then they both took Ollie out for a walk.

While they were walking Ollie, they began talking about random things and eventually, they planned out and decided that they were just going to have a quiet day in before tomorrow as Kayla would have to go on the road with WWE as the backstage interviewer.

They eventually arrived back home and then Luke started to make some lunch for the both of them.

Then, after lunch Luke and Kayla chilled outside while Ollie ran around while Luke threw his ball for him and Kayla was watching them interact.

Kayla: I could really get used to this baby, it's going to be a great life with you.

Luke turned to look at Kayla and he smiled at her.

Luke: I'm thinking the exact same about you babe, I just know that whatever happens, knowing that I can come home knowing that you'll be there, it makes me happy to know that.

Just then, as Luke was playing fetch with Ollie, Kayla got a phone call from one of her friends called Cathy and so she answered it.

Kayla: hey girl, what's up ?

Cathy: oh hey Kayla, are you okay ? you sound a little under the weather.

Kayla: I'm okay, I'm just nursing a hangover.

Cathy: (giggles) drunk a little too much huh ?

Kayla: yeah something like that, me and Luke hung out with some of our friends in his backyard, we had a barbecue and drunk and shared a bunch of stories around the fire pit.

Cathy: and how is Luke ?

Kayla: we're just chilling in the backyard and Luke is playing fetch with the dog.

Cathy: aww, we'll tell him I said hi.

Kayla: I will do, so what's up ? Is everything good with you ?

Cathy: yeah, I was just calling to see if you and Luke would be up to hanging out with me, the girls and their guys.

Kayla: one sec, I'll ask him.

Kayla put her hand over her phone while she asked Luke if he wanted to hang out with some of her friends.

Kayla: hey baby.

Luke turned around.

Kayla: would you like to come and hang out with Cathy and the girls, they're bringing their fellas with them so you will have some guys to talk to so you won't be the only guy there.

Luke nodded.

Luke: yeah sure.

Kayla: okay.

Kayla put her phone back to her ear and she told Cathy Luke's answer.

Kayla: hey Cathy ? You still there ?

Cathy: yep, still here.

Kayla: okay Luke has agreed to come with us.

Cathy: okay cool, I'll let the others know and we'll go from there to plan what we'll actually be doing.

Kayla: okay, just let us know.

Cathy: I will, see you soon Kayla.

Kayla: okay, see you soon, bye.

Kayla put her phone back in her pocket and she told Luke all about what Cathy said.

Kayla: hey babe ?

Luke: yeah ?

Kayla: Cathy said she's going to let the others know and they'll tell us exactly what we'll be doing at a later time.

Luke: okay.

They both chilled in the backyard for a little bit longer until they went inside and Luke made them both some dinner and they spent the rest of the day inside and they watched some movies together at a low volume while Kayla was still slightly hungover.

Then, at the end of the day, they were both in bed and Kayla was snuggled up close to Luke when she brought up hanging out with her friends again.

Kayla: hey baby ?

Luke: yes love ?

Kayla: thanks for agreeing to hang out with my friends, it means a lot to me.

Luke: hey come on babe, they're my friends now as well, just like my friends are also your friends too.

Kayla: yeah, that's true, I really did enjoy hanging out with them, they're decent people.

Luke: and I'm sure that your friends are as well.

Luke kissed Kayla gently on her forehead and they went to sleep together after spending a quiet day together.

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