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morgan and wyatt were back to being attached by the hip. they walked to class together again, ate lunch together, sat together in class, hung out outside of school, anything they could do to spend time with each other.

and boy was everyone shocked. they had seen wyatt and morgan around the school before, but then they were paired for a project. they were surprised wyatt actually had a friend who wasn't a full grown adult through a screen.

as they walked through the halls they both heard the whispers. "wyatt walker has a friend his own age?" "poor morgan, she probably is only his friend out of pity," "why is morgan hanging out with that loser?"

morgan hoped wyatt didn't hear it, but it was impossible not to. and she could tell it brought him down. he would never bring it up though.

the bell just rang, and everyone was now heading to the cafeteria for lunch. morgan walked in and saw melody and carly already at the table. but no wyatt?

"hey, where's wyatt? he's usually the first one here," she asked. melody and carly shrugged.

"i don't know, i was confused too. he's here today right?" morgan nodded.

"yeah, i saw him this morning,"

"maybe he went to the restroom?" melody suggested. morgan agreed and sat down beside carly.


it had been about 10 minutes and wyatt still hadn't showed.

"okay, im starting to get worried. do you think i should go look for him?" morgan asked, her leg bouncing up and down at a fast pace underneath the table. it was never a good sign if wyatt was missing.

"maybe- wait, he's coming!" melody said. morgan turned around with a relieved smile, but it quickly dropped as she noticed a big purple bruise on his eye.

"oh my god, wyatt!" she stood from her seat and immediately ran over to him. he flinched as she carefully cupped his cheeks.

"it was hunter, wasn't it?" he sadly nodded, grabbing her wrists and removing her hands from his face.

"i'm okay though, i promise," he gave her a sad smile, she just frowned.

"what did he do to you?" she whispered to herself, rubbing the back of his hands gently with her thumbs.

"i know all the nurse will give you is ice, but maybe let's go grab some?" morgan let go of one of his hands, firmly gripping the other as she gestured toward the cafeteria exit. he nodded and let morgan walk him to the nurse's office, their fingers intertwined the whole way there.

as they reached the nurse's office they untangled their hands. morgan pushed the door open, and let wyatt walk in first.

"you know, as a man i'm supposed to hold the door for you," he gave a playful smile. morgan gave one right back.

"i don't know if i'd call you a man, nerdy boy," she used her pointer finger to lift his chin and saw a faint pink appear on his cheeks before he quickly walked through the door. she followed behind him and let the door close behind her.

"hi, how can i help yo- oh, wow," the nurse cut herself off as she saw the big bruise on wyatt's eye.

"hi, we were just wondering if we could have some ice for his eye?" morgan asked politely, placing a hand on wyatt's shoulder. he just stood there awkwardly.

"y-yes, of course. mind telling me how this happened?" the nurse asked as she began placing ice in a ziploc bag.

"i- uh, i tripped. i dropped my books and fell directly on them," wyatt said nervously. he wasn't good at lying.

"okay.." the nurse could obviously tell he was lying, but she decided not to question and handed him his ice with a paper towel.

"thank you," wyatt took the ice, and quickly left the office, morgan following behind.

"we have about 5 minutes to get back to the cafeteria, let's go," morgan grabbed wyatt's hand again, and they made their way to the cafeteria. as they walked through the doors and toward the table, carly immediately began questioning.

"oh my god, wyatt, are you okay? what happened?" melody sat quietly, but had the same questioning look on her face.

"i'm okay, i just tripped," he replied. carly furrowed her brows and looked at morgan, she just shook her head as she grabbed her bag and flung it around her shoulder.

"the bell is going to ring any minute, let's head to class, yeah?" they all nodded, and left the cafeteria.


miss me? i cannot apologize enough for not updating for over 5 months. to be honest i really don't have much of an excuse, but my life has been absolutely crazy these last few months. and i haven't found a lot of time to think of a storyline for a chapter and write it. again i am so, so sorry, and i am going to try to work on chapters more frequently.

PUBLISHED... june 29th 2024

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⏰ Last updated: 7 days ago ⏰

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