A star born pt 1

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Hikari's pov
Sakura have been my friend for many years  we met when we were in kindergarten but she hasn't always have it easy with her family so I massage her early to come over so I could tell her about idols and so on

No one's pov
**a loud knock on the front door**
Hikari's mother went and opened the door
Sakura: hello miss Mizuki  how are you
Miss mizuki: I'm fine I hope everything is fine with you too
Sakura: everything is fine with me I'm going up to hikari now miss

Sakura's pov
Helloooo hika how are you
Hikari: *smiles* I'm good saku sit down
Sakura: soo what did you wanna talk about
Hikari: Ichigo and Aoi are first year idols of starlight academy and we are first year students to so you and I are fit in idols
Sakura: you know I could live in an academy then my own home you know, but isn't already bit late? I mean school is already over it's been four months ago it started
Hikari: the headmaster made a entrance audition for everyone who missed or want a second change but it's under the Christmas break
Sakura: sure let's make a song and dance or just do a cover?
Hikari: we can make our own. Feels like you are gonna do a special appeal you have that type of it
Sakura: really? *she smiles*

Few weeks later, a week before the entrance audition

No ones pov
Sakura: I can't believe it's a week left to the audition *she says while sitting on the floor she drinks water and takes a break from the training
Hikari: me either *she smiles*

The day of  entrance audition
Continue will come

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2023 ⏰

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