Sleep Paralyzes.

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"And what about this dream did you think was real?" The therapist asked Shawn Jones, a 17 year old boy with sleep paralyzes.

" was so real, I'm in my bed, sleeping, when I here a sound, a rustling in my closet. I open my eyes but stay in bed, than, a dark creepy figure comes out of the closet and towards me. I try to move but I can't, it's like I'm stuck to the bed. The figure comes closer to me, it's black and has red eyes, it cracks onto my bed and starts making its way up my body. I can't move, I can't react, I can't even talk. It sits on my chest and looks down at me, just, staring at me, than a minute later it dissapears." Shawn says.

"And where dose it dissappear to?" The therapist asks.

"My closet, Dr. Consor you have to help me."

"I will help you Shawn, just relax, it's natural to be frozen during sleep paralyzes."

"But this doesn't seem like sleep paralyzes, I can move my hand, but not off the bed, Dr, what if there's something really there, something watching me, something out to get me!" Shawn starts to panic, sitting up and looking at the Dr.

"Shawn, monsters aren't real, this is just a figment of your imagination put into a dream." The therapist says, looking at Shawn as if he's crazy guy.

"But Dr." Shawn starts.

"Shawn, it's not real, just something in your dreams."

"Thanks, thanks a lot, you sound just like my parents." Shawn says, getting up and leaving the office, slamming the door behind him.

Shawn began his walk home, three miles from the clinic. Soon enough Shawn got home, slumping down on his couch. "Its real, I know it." He says to himself. It was now late, 10:49 pm, Shawn walked down the hallway to his room. He entered his room and laid on his bed, his mother was working at tonight at the hospital. Shawn sat there staring at the ceiling, thinking about how to convince people he was telling the truth. Than his thought were inturpted.

There was the sound of rustling coming from inside his closet, like someone hiding in between clothes. Shawn sat up straight, looking at his closet door which was shut tight. Shawn looked puzzled, he got up and began walking slowly to the closet door. His heart beating fast like a drum inside his chest. His breaths heavy and uneasy.

He walked over to the closet door and slowly opened it, afraid of what might be inside, what might be there haunting him. He opened the door, seeing a pair of red eyes, a black hand reached out from the darkness of the shadows grabbing Shawn. Shawn screamed in terror as he was consumed into the darkness, the closet door shutting behind him.

Hours later his mom arrived home, she walked up stairs and saw son sleeping with his head under the sheets. She walked over to him and kissed his head.

"Mom, can you check under my bed?" Shawn asks.

"Of course sweetheart." His mom replies, looking under his bed, when she sees what is under the bed she gasps. There under the bed, is Shawn's dead bloody, decapitated corps.

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