Chapter 6.

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"He's still asleep?" June whispered, placing a motherly hand on Aurora's forehead.

Aurora nods, still doting on the 12 year old as he slept. "Well, Ratchet and I need to explain what happened, okay?" June said, making Aurora nod.

Ratchet's holoform fizzled into existence next to June, his eyes still striking Aurora to her core.

"Well, the interference in your fleshed nervous system proved to be energon related. Upon doing a blood biopsy me and nurse Darby located a quite small amount of pure energon in your blood vessels, that was easily flushed out with a blood transfusion from Jack." Ratchet explains, making Aurora nod as she took in the information.

"However, the energon has potential to return, and double in quantity, if it does, you would most likely end up becoming reliant on the substance." Ratchet finishes.

"Which would only become a hindrance as its scarce enough for you five." Aurora says.

"As true as that may be, it would never be a burden to us." Ratchet says firmly.

Aurora nods. "You'll be clear to get up in a few hours, get some more rest Aurora." Ratchet says, moving a strand of her black hair out of her face.

She nods, and curls up with Raf to get some more well deserved rest.

When Aurora woke up, she found the lights still dimmed. However, Raf and the other humans were absent.

Aurora lowered her bed rails and sat up, slowly standing on shaky legs. Ratchet noticed and took quick action to use his holoform.

The ginger man appeared in front of her in a whirl of pixles, long pale fingers grasping her forearms and helping her to the table closest to Ratchet's work station. "Easy Aurora, you haven't stood in three days." Ratchet informs her, and she nods.

"Where's my mom's necklace?" She asked.

"I am doing some research on it currently, I hope that isn't a problem." Ratchet said.

Normally, Aurora would've bit someone's head off, she could see Ratchet's intentions were pure and so she let it go. She knew he wouldn't let it get damaged.

"No problem. I know you won't damage it." She says, giving the medic a soft smile.

The tips of his lips lifted up almost unnoticeably, but Aurora had a keen eye.

That moment would be etched into her mind most likely for the rest of her life.


"C'mon Aurora try to stand up!" Miko pestered, light brown eyes staring into Aurora's mismatched orbs with an ambition Aurora was no stranger to.

"Miko, I had a heart palpitation due to a low level of energon in my body, I didn't break my legs. Even so, I should wait until June and Ratchet both clear me for any physical activity." Aurora reprimanded the teen, making Miko huff and plop onto the old yellow couch.

"Ugh! You're no fun!" She grumbles.

The commotion had drawn the attention of the Autobot leader and medic themselves, making the red and blue bot approach slowly, each step carefully calculated and sounding like an authoritative action.

"..How're you feeling, Aurora?" Optimus asked.

"Allot better. Ratchet said my last palpitation was over four hours ago and I'd likely be cleared to go back to school tomorrow." Aurora told him, mismatched eyes seeming to almost stare into his soul.

Optimus wasn't ever one to get nervous, always the more charming, alluring and dominant type of mech.

However, Aurora held a certain allure to herself, and when she looked at him it felt as though she was picking him apart and learning every single detail about him effortlessly. Wordlessly.

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