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Stan is a regular 16-year-old student; is hanging out with his friends. It's lunch time and they're sitting at their usual table. Kyle is one of the said friends' Him and Kyle have been friends since kindergarten. They're always together, almost inseparable. Wherever Stan is you will find Kyle with him. Stan brushes the raven black hair out of his face as he struggles to pierce a straw through the plastic seal on his drink. His best friend sitting across from him chuckles as he watches the struggle. "Pfft. Classic Stan can't do anything for himself." Kyle says as he leans forward taking the drink from Stans hands, his fingers lightly brushing against Stans then holding his hand asking for the straw. "Hey! It's not my fault that these stupid straws are too weak to go through." Stan defends his case as he hands the straw over to Kyle. "Yeah, yeah whatever you say Stan." Kyle says sarcastically as he pierces the straw through the seal with ease, passing the now pieced drink back to Stan. A light red hue creeps up onto Stans cheeks, as he stares blankly at Kyle. Stan shakes his head, shaking off the strange thoughts he just had of how he thought that Kyle had a pretty face, the splatter of freckles on his face and his curly amber hair that poked out from his green ushanka hat with ear flaps "Uh, thanks Kyle." Stan murmured. His "strange" thoughts leaving his head. Kyle is my best friend, why am I thinking about him like this... He's a guy too. What's wrong with me? Stan thought to himself.

Lunch is over and the next class has begun. Stan and his girlfriend Wendy sit next to each other in his class. Kyle sits just a few seats behind the two. Kyle and Stan don't really talk in this class because they sit far away from each other, but that doesn't stop them from glancing at each other. While Kyle had his headphones in and his head down, looking at the work he was doing, Stan passes a sheet of paper back to the guy behind him and then the guy passes it to Kyle. Kyle looks up at the hand with paper in it, he places his pencil down and reaches up to take it, he unfolds the paper. It reads 'Wanna go to mine before the party today?'. Stans handwriting is illegible, but somehow Kyle can read it with ease. With a grin Kyle looks up to see Stan looking back with a smile, Kyle nods his head and sticks his thumbs up signalling that he will in fact come over today. Stan mouths the words "Yay!" In excitement before turning back around to do his work. A little peachy blush forms on Kyles freckled cheeks, he looks back down at his work with his hand covering his mouth. Ugh, he's so cute! what the hell is wrong with me?! I... shouldn't be thinking like this, he's got a girlfriend, and he certainly isn't into guys. Kyle thinks to himself, his heart swelling with sadness as he thinks about all the wrongs with liking Stan.

School is over now; Stan and Kyle are over at Stan's now. In the bathroom Stan sits on a stool and Kyle standing up behind him. Kyle is applying bleach to Stans dark grown out roots. "This actually burns like crazy. It feels like my head is on fire." Stan whines as Kyle chuckles with a smirk "You're being dramatic." He replies now sliding off his elastic gloves, discarding them to the side. Kyle notices a little bit of bleach that just got onto Stans face. He leans over and whines it off with his thumb. "Whoops got some bleach on you." At first, he doesn't notice the blank red-faced Stan Staring at him. But then he does, he looks at Stans face, his own cheeks beginning to heat up. Stan averts his gaze pretending as if that never happened. Stan clears his throat. "Ahem! How long is this sitting in for? 10 minutes?" Kyle scoffs, "Ten minutes? Pfft, oh you wish. No, it's staying in for 40 minutes, unless you want to be ginger like me." He laughs. "40?! Oh, for fuck's sake!" Stan groans leaning back against the cabinet in the bathroom. "Suck it up man, I'm sure it's not that bad." Kyle teases sitting down on the edge of the bathtub. "The part is at Tolkien's this time, right?" He asks. Stan looks over nodding his head. "Yup, at Tolkien's, his parents brought us booze too!" Kyle's mood changes as he hears alcohol being mentioned. "Stan. Are you... ugh, never mind, promise not to drink too much this time okay?" Kyle says as he rubs his temples with his fingers. "I promise." Stan says his voice dripping with lies.

Stan and Kyle have arrived at the party. When they arrived, Stan went off with his girlfriend again, and Kyle was left to go find his other friends to talk with. About an hour in, Kyle is a bit tipsy now. "Hey, come play spin the bottle with us!" Some guy says as he wraps his arm around Kyle's shoulder, dragging him towards the circle of people sitting on the floor. Kyle sighs as he sits down, there is no point trying to escape these drunkards. He looks up and across from him sits Stan. Just from experience Kyle can tell Stan is pretty drunk at this point. The bottle gets spinner by some guy and lands on some girl, they run off to the broom closet as the party cheer them on. 7 minutes later the two walk out red faced and sweaty. Jesus' man couldn't be more obvious. Kyle thinks. Stan gets passed the bottle. Kyle looks up in surprise. He places the bottle down and gives it a good spin. It takes a moment but the bottle starts to slow down at Wendy, but it continues to slowly rotate until it lands on. Me. The bottle landed on me. I look up and I feel all the eyes dart from the bottle onto me. Some guy shoves me saying "Go on it's the rules 7 minutes in the broom with Stanley." I gulp, are we really going in? Together? I look at Stan and he's smirking. He's fucking smirking!

Stan and Kyle head into the small broom closet their friends cheering and wooing. Stan looks at Kyle with nervous eyes his palms are sweating and feel clammy. his face is beet red, and his lungs struggle to collect oxygen. "S-so um... we don't actually have to do anything." Stan mutters out quietly while avoiding eyes contact with his best-friend, the room is dark anyway. "Yeah, we can just wait for.. uh the seven minutes to go by." Kyle says quietly his soft looking pink lips turning up into an awkward little smile. Stan finally looks at Kyle he sees that little awkward smile Kyle always does; he finds it so cute. Without even noticing Stan is drawn closer he itches ever so slightly closer to the ginger boy. Stan places his hands on Kyles shoulders, and he leans upwards his eyes closing slightly as he does so. He kisses Kyle. Stan comes to his senses and pulls away "Ah! Oh I didn-"Stan is interrupted by Kyle leaning in quickly kissing Stan on the lips once again, his soft lips ever so slightly brushing against Stans. Stan without hesitation returns the kiss even opening his mouth slightly more to deepen their kiss. Kyle's hands creep up to Stans hips which he grips on to gently. His fingers danced over Kyle's sensitive skin, leaving goosebumps in their wake.  The two make-out session continued for seven minutes, during which time they explored every inch of each other's bodies. A wave of emotions washed over them, and they lost themselves in a haze of euphoria as Kyle's hands roamed down Stan's muscular body and Stan pressed himself against Kyle's body, exploring every curve and crevice of Kyle's physique. Despite both of them being heterosexual, the passion and thrill of this experience overwhelmed them, leaving Stan and Kyle breathless and satisfied after 7 minutes of heavenly ecstasy. "Kyle, I think... I think I like-"The blonde boy is interrupted by the harsh light that hit them as the door opened. "Times up boys!" A random guy says as he steps to the side to let them out. The two boys feel a wave of guilt wash over the both of them as they walk back to the circle. Wendy who was sitting waiting for Stan looks up to see the two enter the room. She gets up and storms away. She knows exactly what happened in there. Stan briefly looks at Kyle, but then quickly runs after his girlfriend. Kyle watches in horror as he realizes what he's done. He stands there, referring his moment of passion with Stan.

The party is over Stan is now wondering around the town drunk. Looking for Kyle Which he finally does find him in their usual spot. "Kyle finally, I found you I was worried!" Stan says as he rushes over bending down to Kyle who is sitting on the floor. Kyle with a raised voice says. "Stan go away." Stab persistently stays. "No Kyle you disappeared, and I need to know you're okay." Kyle covers his face with his hands. "I'm not fucking gay Stanley!" He shouts. "You have a girlfriend, and you're not gay either. Please just fucking go away." Stan is completely taken aback he stands up unable to say anything. He turns around, his eyes tearing up as he walks away. Leaving Kyle behind.

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