Chapter Eight

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          JOHN B was currently explaining to Sarah and I what the plan was after we recovered all the gold

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     JOHN B was currently explaining to Sarah and I what the plan was after we recovered all the gold. It was mind-blowing that he had successfully found 400 million dollars underneath a house and we were still riding on the high from it. Walking to the back patio of Sarah's house, he recounts the plan. I still had no idea how we were gonna be able to pawn it all off, being 16/17 years old and all, but I pushed that thought away when Ward popped up.

"Hey!" He interrupts. My heart sinks knowing he probably heard the end of that. "What are you three plotting?"

"Oh, uh." Glancing at Sarah, she gives a wary glance to John B and I before turning back to her father. "The usual, World Domination!"

"That's my girl." He smiles. "Always aiming high. But, it's gonna have to wait a day, 'cause I'm taking this kid fishin' tomorrow morning." His eyes turn to John B. "First light."

"No, he can't tomorrow," I spoke up. "We have plans."

"Oh, really? What plans are those? Sit by the pool all day?"

"No." I frown before he cuts me off.

"Look, that boat needs a first mate, and you need to start earning your keep around here, all right?"

"Then, I'm coming too." I cross my arms, giving him a narrowed look at his sudden all-mighty act. Why couldn't this fishing trip wait a day? Why's he just now wanting to take him out on the boat when he's had many opportunities before.

"What?" Sarah questioned as Ward's gaze turned to me.

"No, I think it'd be best if just John B and I go. And I was just kidding, he's new to the family. I wanna take him fishing, all right?"

"Wherever he goes, I go," I sternly say, leaning against John B. No way was I gonna let him go with Ward Cameron by himself to the middle of the ocean.

"Fine. It's gonna be good, okay?"

After Ward walks off, I turn to the other two with a confused but humorous glint in my eyes before hiking my thumb over my shoulder. "We should probably head out."

"Yeah, let's go. Twinkie's out front." John B nods, throwing an arm over my shoulder and leading us towards said van.

"You don't think that's weird that he just all of a sudden wants to take you fishing and doesn't want to let me go?" I whisper towards him. "I mean, what if he heard us talking before he came out?"

He gave me a raised brow before shaking his head. "I doubt he heard us. And I'm pretty sure he just feels bad for me and wants to do a fatherly thing, ya know?"

"I don't know." I glance at the ground as we stop beside the passenger door. "I have a bad feeling about this, JB."

"It's gonna be fine, Rory." He plants a kiss on my forehead before giving me a grin. "Plus, you'll be there to save me if anything goes wrong."

Hate You  𖤓 John B. Routledge 𖤓Where stories live. Discover now