the 8th grade dance

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The 8th Grade Dance

By Thebrowneyedgirl1415


"April!Time for school."My mother said happily."Why are you so happy this morning?"I asked tiredly."Today I'm going to drive you to school."She replied.

After we finished talking I started getting ready for school.While we we're in the car she asked me questions about school.

"So what's new,what are you doing in school?"She asked.I replied"nothing really,there are a lot of projects,tests,an 8th grade dance(I whispered).

"A dance!"She said in a high voice."When is it?"I answered,"Sometime in June,it's no big deal anyway."I said in a low voice so she could get a hint that I didn't want to talk about it anymore.But she didn't.

"Who are you going with,what's his name?"She asked as we were pulling up to the school."No one."I said sadly as I was opening the car door.

Before she could answer I got out the car,and waved goodbye to her as I went to walk to the doors with my friends.she honked the horn and in seconds she was gone.


As my friends and I were talking,one of my friends named Meghan brought up the dance.

"Who's everyone going to the dance with?"She asked"I'm going with that new guy Harry Styles!"She added.My other friends Kirill,Nicole,and Sam, also had a date for the dance."I'm going with Louis Tomlinson!!!"Kirill said jumping up and down like a rabbit."Well I'm going with Zayn Malik."Nicole said with a smirk.Sam wanted to go with Niall Horan but he turned her down,so she asked Liam Payne and he agreed to go with her.

When all of my friends looked at me,I got nervous.I didn't have a date to the dance.I dropped my head and said"I don't have a date to the dance.I was thinking of asking Liam,but he's going with Sam.I do like Niall--"Sam cut me off her face turned red."If Niall didn't want to go with me why do you think he would like you!!"She was really angry.

At that weird awkward moment the conversation ended and we when to our homeroom.When I went inside I realized that Niall was in every class with me.He never talked to me,and when I try to talk to him he ran off to the next class like I was invisible.

When I saw him in my next class he was smiling. He looked so cute with his blond hair and his blue eyes.He again looked at me as I walked in.But he turned his head like he was embarrassed.When class started we all took our seats,Niall sat next to me for some reason.He looked at his friends and looked at me.

"Hello there April."He said quietly so we didn't get caught.his voice was amazing.He had an Irish accent because not to long ago he moved to America from Mullingar Ireland."Is there anybody home."He said waving his hand at me."Yea sorry.If you don't mind me asking why did you sit here?"I asked in a laughing voice."Haha umm I wanted to know if you wanted to go out"He said putting his arm around me."Umm yes!Oh I mean sure what ever."I'm such a loser I thought as I said this."great well sit at me and my friends table to day next the the telly at lunch."He smiled.

The class ended as he asked if I wanted to walk to the room with him.I was so happy that I could of started screaming!!


When I was walking down to lunch I heard Niall talking to his friends about me.I didn't hear much because I wasn't trying to but,I heard my name and I saw them all looking back at me then Niall came back to me."we were talk about how amazing you look."

When we got to the lunch room I went to go tell my friends about Niall and how he asked me out then Sam came over and she didn't look very happy.

"Heyy April how are you.I heard you and Niall go out and I have to show you some video that is just so funny."We went over to the doors and watched the video.Niall,Zayn,Liam and Harry was there talking.Sam plugged in her head phones in so I could hear it better.Niall:"I did it I asked her out!"Zayn:"Ok now you got to dare me to to something since you did the ask April out one."

The video stopped.Sam was laughing like it was a joke I started to cry when Niall came over."Whats the matter?"He asked"Is what Sam showed me true,did you just ask me out because Zayn dared you to?" I asked."Yes,but--"I cut him off "I really like you Niall how could you do this!"I ran off before he got the chance to talk.He laugh an then frowned.


Two months later::

"April the dance is tonight!"My mom said at dinner.Yea I was still going but with no was Niall for some reason.The theme of the dance was masquerade.

I had my hair curled and I put on my black and white dress and mask and I had black lipstick on.Then I left to go to the dance.


When the dance started I was sitting in the corner crying because I had no date and I was alone.All of my friends were dancing with their dates.

I started to talk out loud but quietly to myself."I have no date.I wish Niall was my date but he doesn't like m--" Someone stopped me.

It was Niall in a white suit head a rose and a heart shaped necklace in his hands.I looked at him with my tearful brown eyes and said,"Why are you not with anyone?"He said."I am....I'm with you."

He gave me the rose and we walked in the hall."Is this a joke,or something!"I yelled but then I calmed down and started to talk to him."April I'm sorry I just--"he stopped and stared at me and I said"you just what you wanted to make me cry again I can't..."He kissed me it felt wonderful.I didn't feel upset anymore I just couldn't speak.

"Won't you let me finish you bloody girl!!"He said with a smile."Ask I was saying I just didn't realise that I love you."I smiled as we walked back in to the dance. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


Meghan and Harry-got married and had two children a boy named Noah and a girl named Darcy.They now live in London.

Kirill and Louis-They live in a house in Hollywood.Him and Louis make and star in new hit movies .

Nicole and zayn-idk wht happened to them I wonder.

Sam and Liam -they broke up and Sam married a guy named Zach they are perfect together.And for Liam he found a girl named Danielle.

Niall and I ~well I think you know what happens (we're getting married next Tuesday ).

The end!!!!!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2013 ⏰

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