Harold is a rabbit that likes carrots. It just so happens to be Harold's favret food but he can not find any carrots. Hmmmmmm what to do mAby he could ask his bestest trend in the world. Herminey this one particular animal is for some reason crazed with buckets and nobody knows what to do when she asks "do you want to fill a bucket"?
But any way to the carrot Harold walk up to hermineys door and knock. you confront a strange woman and ask "do you have any carrots, I would like to make a stew". She asked you if you if you want a bucket to put it in."no, I would not want to put it in a bucket"said Harold. "but why"asked herminey? Harold started to get frustrated with herminey. he said " excuse me but I half to go good by good sir". laughed softly. Then walked away. now he was on the path of purple stone to see the wizard named Gandolf. he is a mighty wizard and noble if you say, but he dose mess up a lot. so thee he was at the front door of Gandolf's castle. The door is very large and the castle too. so Harold our mighty rabbit will half to knock and wait. so he did but the eating was very long and Gandolf is very old. So this could take a while. "FORTY HOURS LATEL".
Now Galndolf is just about at the door probably if he dide'nt die or any thing. well the door was open the whole time so he let himself in. now that he it in the castle he can get his carrot. now you should know that Harold isn't that smart so. he went to the kitchen and found a carrot but their was something wrong with it it was golden. but he try's to eat the darn thing. that is just stupid. if Harold was smart enough to go and sell it to buy more carrots, but he isn't so he is going to go to the farmer gandoozle she is old and crazy but always says something weird I don't remember what it is."Well how's your diddly squat day Harold" said Gandoozle. " glipnort you scared the jeepers out of me"said a frightening rabbit named Harold.
The both of them went to the crazed old farmer house/barn but she had some baby golden carrots but no degoldinator-3000000000000. so now he needs to get all the baby bolden carrots and leave. so now with more golden carrots Harold really needs to find a degdinator-3000000000000