backstory- meeting the family

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                                       (mobius pov) takes place after ep 2 szn 2

Loki and I have been dating for a few months, practically ever since our hug that expressed our feelings in ways words could never. I think me and Loki danced around the infatuation we shared for each other but after the hug it became undeniable. Once we faced that fact, we've been inseparable. And now we took another step.

"Do you want to meet my family?"

"What?" I'm truly taken aback, I never would've thought Loki would want me to meet them. 

"I mean with the resources that the TVA has and technically I know we shouldn't mess with branches of the timeline, but you're the first real partner I've ever had. And my branch is already eternally changed, so how much more damage could we cause by meeting them?"

"You want me to meet them?"

"Yes, Mobius I love you dearly and my family especially my mother has been supportive of my sexuality and gender futility. I want them to meet you, you're the most important person in my life."

"Ok, Loki I'll grab my tempad and punch in the details of you're branch. Is there a specific time point that would be most suitable for this?"

"I think meeting them individually may be the best move, leave my so-called father for last. My mother first, Thor, and then of course Odin."

"Are you sure your dad should meet me?"

"I couldn't care less of his approval, my mother and Thor are the top priority in meeting you. They're my true family."

"As long as you're sure," I say, glancing at the morse god as he smiles his reassuring smile only present in his days spent at the TVA. 

I type into the tempad the branch details and dates. The portal appears as I look back once again at Loki as he mouths "I'll go first" grabbing my hand and walking through, with me stringing along. 

We enter, face-to-face with Loki's mom, Frigga in all her Asgardian glory, standing in one of the many hallways of the palace. She still portrays the usual calm demeanor as if she regularly sees her son coming through a portal with an unknown man daily.  That is an act especially surprising considering Loki's absence.

"Hello, Loki."

"Mother, I've missed you dearly," Loki says, embracing her and leaving me as a mere spectator.

"Loki, is there a special reason behind this visit?" Frigga says, still in the embrace of my boyfriend, observing me without a bit of judgment or confusion. Only displaying her usual warm and inviting love within her smile and eyes. 

Loki removes himself from the embrace, making his way back to me and taking his hand into mine.

"I have someone I'd love to introduce you to Mother. This is Mobius, my partner. Seeing as he's my first real romantic partner that has shown me love I thought you'd want to meet him. There's a lot of explaining that I can't get into due to time, but I wanted you to meet him. He means a lot to me, and has built me into someone I know you'd be proud of."

Frigga directed her attention away from her son, and back towards me smiling and lovingly inviting me into an embrace. She also displays a knowing that this meeting must be brief, and Loki probably can't return to Asgard.

"He looks well and happy, I do not understand the nature of which you two met but I do know that if you can make him smile like that, you're the one made for him. You have more than my approval, you have my blessing." She whispers.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2023 ⏰

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